
Result Oriented Administration / Result Oriented Management

Every action has a mission, vision or goal. The mission or goal must be determined before taking action. Then strategies are formulated on how to get there and work is done according to the strategy. 

All the people or organization requires inputs to reach the mission or goal. No output can be obtained without input. Automatic output is expected when input is invested. Result or output is also the objective effect of public action. Result-oriented management is when the input is invested in it, what is the outcome, what is the quality maintained, whether the consumer or service recipient is satisfied with the return received or not. Therefore, managerial activities that are aimed at achieving concrete results with an emphasis on outcome and not on input are called result-oriented management. Effective management also requires competent bureaucracy. 

In the view of the public, the reality of the government is the bureaucracy or administration for the citizens to get services and facilities. Administration is also called permanent government which helps in making the activities of running the state effective and result oriented. In fact, result-oriented management is a new dimension of public management. It emphasizes result-oriented rather than procedural action. The emphasis of result-oriented management is not on how the work was done and who did it or whether the policy rules were not fulfilled, but on what was done, how much was done, who went and what was achieved.

Similarly, in result-oriented management, the goals and objectives of each activity are determined and necessary strategies and programs are prepared and implemented towards reaching the goal. In which result oriented efforts / measures are adopted in every action and process from goal setting to accomplishing the set goal.

Result oriented management is not a separate administration but a means of achieving real results through administrative management. It expects excellent performance and pays special attention to both quantitative and qualitative aspects of managerial activities. In particular, it plays an important role in achieving goals. Effective management also plays a role in materializing abstract managerial activities. 

Some Glaring examples are; 
  • If money is given to a training center, it should be given on the basis of how many people have been trained and got job rather than on the basis of number of trainees.
  • Educational institutions in Arkansas and Florida in the USA stopped giving training funds because they got less than 70 percent work.
  • The funding should be done on the durability of road rather than the length of road to be constructed.
  • School funding should be based on pass out rate and high rank percentage.

Indicators to Measure Results
  • Efficiency criteria: - To increase the return by keeping the budget stable.
  • Criteria of economy: - Minimizing the input but the output remains the same.
  • Criteria of effectiveness: - The difference between what was expected and what was achieved is the criterion of effectiveness.
  • Criteria of service: - Criteria of service is the measurement of citizen's satisfaction in the goods and services provided.
  • Output measure: - It measures services and facilities made avail from the specified expenditure.
  • Impact measure: - Measuring the level of impact, i.e. the final impact on the society from the amount expenditure.
  • SMART: - Criteria should be SMART i.e. SMART objective. SMART means specified, measurable, achievable, reliable / reasonable representative, time bound.

Techniques / Process for Result Orientation
  • Clearly defining mission, vision or goal or objective
  • Determining strategies / tactics
  • Preparation of outline of plans and programs
  • Management of necessary resources including budget
  • Determining work and working procedures
  • Determining the schedule
  • Implementation of programs or activities
  • Effective monitoring and evaluation
  • Analysis of results
  • Backing up

Some tips of Result Orientation
  • Think of what can be measured and what can be done.
  • If we can't measure results, failure can't be separated from success.
  • If you can't see success, you can't reward it.
  • If you can't reward success, have you rewarded failure? Think of it.
  • If you don't see success, you can't learn from it.
  • If you don't recognize failure, you can't improve.
  • If you can demonstrate the results, you will be with the people.

Significance of Result Oriented Management
  • To achieve materialistic achievement
  • Benefit to the target group
  • Proper use of resources
  • Administrative commitment
  • Increasing the level of public participation
  • Increase in productivity
  • Increasing levels of motivation
  • Increase the capacity of the working class
  • Cost-per-unit return can be measured
  • Developing administrative professionalism
  • Promoting work culture
  • Increase the reputation of the organization
  • Increase people's trust in the organization, etc.

Issue / challenges of Result Oriented Management
  • Traditional organizational structure
  • Domination of politics in the administration
  • Lack of modern management
  • Lack of professionalism in administration
  • Centralized management system
  • Excessive government involvement
  • Procedural legal complications
  • Lack of capacity to use resources
  • Lack of administrative responsibility and accountability
  • Uncertain Terms of Service
  • Corruption
  • Lack of managerial values ​​and recognition
  • Unbalanced public participation
  • Lack of easy access to public services
  • Uncertainty in the availability of public services
  • Not paying attention to institutional development and expansion
  • Public grievance management is not effective
  • Lack of guarantee of good governance etc.

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New Public Service (NPS): An innovative concept of public management

New Public Service (NPS) is an innovative concept of public management. This concept was developed by Danhardt and Danhardt in 2003 to provide public services to the citizens in a new way. This is a strong critique and alternative to the New Public Management (NPM). The main objective of new public service is to learn from the theory of democratic system rather than from the theory of the private sector. 

Related Topic:

New Public Management: Meaning and Concept

This concept was originally developed from the Scandinavian countries and is considered a new form of public management (NPM) and improved governance. In the study of public management, the new public service is considered as a concept that sensitively prioritizes not only facts but also values, makes the administration feel responsible and accountable towards the citizens, and characterizes administrative professionalism, creativity, discipline and people-oriented administration. This NPS criticizes the for-profit and city-oriented private sector and deepens the responsibilities and obligations of public management in a democratic manner. The importance of NPS introduced in administration / management with the objective of promoting improved public service flow is increasing day by day. In a state system with unlimited responsibilities, the NPS carries the spirit of service-friendliness, not only by serving the people, but also by making the people feel at ease. NPS makes public management action-oriented, results-oriented, people-oriented, change-oriented, accountable, participatory and exploratory. 

New public service (NPS) has not been effectively implemented in Nepal's public management. Among the policy, structural, procedural and practical dimensions in this regard, the practical dimension is very weak. It has become imperative to make the administration customer-friendly as well as participatory, transparent, accountable, change-oriented and exploratory, while some rules and regulations need to be amended and changed in a timely manner.

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Public Service Delivery System and ways to make delivery system effective

Meaning of Public Service

Public service is an essential service facility or commodity linked to the livelihood or existence of the society or the common man. Public service is a bridge connecting the government and the general public. Such services are provided by the government through its administrative channels. Similarly, a public service is a service provided to the general public or citizen or organizations. Such as security, defense, rule of law, community service, essential services, employment, communication and technology services and other service. As a whole, the work performed by the state and the goods and services provided to fulfill the needs and wants of public are public services. 

It seems appropriate to present Adam Smith's views on public service. According to Smith, "all those public institutions and public works that are characterized by the fact that their profits can never be repaid by investment or it is a public function, which is the kind that cannot be repaid by investment." Therefore, individuals or groups of individuals cannot build or maintain it. ” We can also say that public service is the service provided by the service provider i.e. government or state to the service recipient i.e. public or general people. 

Meaning of Public Service Delivery System

The flow of public service is the process by which the government or the state provides services to the citizens in a fast, economical and effective manner, which can be guaranteed by the common man. It is the responsibility of the state to provide public services. In this context, the technology / method / mechanism to provide services, facilities, goods to the general public is called delivery system. The delivery system is the mechanism for distributing the beneficial goods, services and facilities received from any organization.

In Nepal, all the essential, basic, infrastructure-based, commercial and other services are provided from the public (government) level. There are various policy, legal, institutional and procedural arrangements to make the basic service delivery systematic and effective. However, there is not much effectiveness in service delivery.

The government has put great efforts in administrative reform for a long period of time to make the flow of services to the general public effective. Although efforts have been made to simplify and streamline government work, decentralize services, provide adequate and capable manpower in service centers, and streamline service delivery, its implementation has been weak and even the basic foundations for ensuring public services have not been strengthened. Due to traditional thinking and lack of positive perceptions in the administration; limited means and resources; lack of transparency, accountability, responsibility; lack of highest utilization of information technology; lack of awareness of the client; lack of pressure groups; lack of simple and clear procedures etc., public service has not been effective.

Features and Characteristics of Public Services
  • Public services are provided by government and governmental body.
  • It is the responsibility of government or state to deliver public services.
  • The state never aims for profit while providing public services.
  • Receiving public services from the state is a civil right. It is also linked to human rights.
  • Public services are theoretically fair.
  • Public service is related to the life of a citizen.
  • Public service flows in accordance with the law and prescribed guidelines.
  • The service recipient or the consumer of the service can also participate in the distribution of public service.
  • Public service investment cannot be paid as profit.
  • Public service is a means of connecting the government and the common man.

Importance of Public Services
  • Related to the existence of community or citizen.
  • As the main responsibility of the state.
  • The main basis for increasing the trust of the people towards the government.
  • Helps to increase the legitimacy of the government in state power.
  • Good public service is also a sign of good governance. Accountable and forward-looking government.
  • The most important task or objective of any government is to provide necessary services to the people.
  • Adequacy, timeliness, equity, equality, quality, economy, efficiency, relevance, etc. are important elements of the flow of growth.

Strengths and Weakness of Public Service Delivery System in Nepal

  • Citizen centered service delivery system has been adopted.
  • Citizens' charter has been provided to make the service effective, fast and economical and charter with compensation has also been introduced in the offices.
  • Mobile service has been operated from time to time with the objective of providing door-to-door service to the people.
  • An integrated service center has been started to provide various services.
  • Complaints of citizens have been heard, public hearing system has been adopted, arrangements have been made for "Hello Government", etc.
  • Double shifts services are delivered.
  • Monitoring work related to service delivery has been started expeditiously.

Weakness / Problems in Public Service Delivery
  • The service has become more traditional and more process oriented.
  • The service could not be mapped.
  • No priority in service.
  • Inadequacy and low quality of service
  • No attention has been paid to increase the capacity and efficiency of service providers.
  • Could not provide appropriate incentive to service provider.
  • The service flow could not be linked to the employee merit system.
  • Insufficiency of resources and failure to make maximum use of available resources.
  • The relationship between the service provider and the client has not been reliable and smooth.
  • Lack of social inclusion in service delivery.
  • Citizens' charter has not been used properly.
  • There have been irregularities in the service flow.
  • Lack of client-friendly physical infrastructure.
  • Lack of tendency for service providers to hear complaints responsibly.
  • Lack of social responsibility in the private sector.
  • Improper use of power.
  • Lack of transparency, accountability and responsibility.
  • Lack of effective monitoring.

How to make Delivery System Effective?
  • The focus of the delivery system should be the citizen not the producers or suppliers. The demands of the people must be addressed.
  • Citizens' satisfaction should be the focal point while providing goods, services and facilities.
  • There should be mass involvement of the people or it is necessary, as far as possible.
  • Government officials should pay attention to the results that will serve the people, rather than flirting or reacting to small things.
  • The needs of the people should be met rather than providing easy service.
  • The needs, demands and concerns of the people should be looked at carefully and such needs and demands should be adjusted in the system.
  • Citizens' grievance redressal system should be established and the system should be easy and simplified and when there is no need for results or achievement should be provided instead.
  • As much as possible, other potential participants should be involved so that various needs and demands can be met and efficiency can be achieved.
  • Public bodies providing services should be made fully accountable with resources and rights.
  • Adopt holistic or integrated method to get maximum opportunity.
  • There should always be enthusiasm or morale for continuous improvement.

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Strategic Management: Meaning, Features and Significance of Strategic Management

Meaning of Strategy and Strategic Management

The word strategy derives from military administration. The term strategy refers to the tactics and tactics adopted during the war to mobilize the army. Whether they are soldiers or administrators or businessmen, the purpose of all these is to achieve the objectives of the organization. Strategy is the crucial method to prepare the organization to face the growing uncertain future. Strategy is a perfect way to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. When the New Public Management (NPM) is introduced in the administration, strategy became associated with long-term. The main objective of New Public Management (NPM) is to achieve result. So, if there is no strategy, the organization is without direction. According to Nutt and Back Off, the strategy focuses on where the emphasis should be given. Similarly, strategic activities also focuses on the objectives by formulating plan, structure, situations, movement and the perspectives.

Initially, it was developed as strategic planning and later on strategic planning was replaced by strategic management in the 1980s.

Strategic Management refers to managing strategically. That is, the act of strategically identifying a situation and using knowledge strategically is called strategic management. Due to globalization and economic liberalization and open market environment, the use of strategic management has become more widespread to meet the challenges faced by the management of any sector.

Strategic thinking is assimilated in the method adopted for the effective management of any organization. The tactical approach adopted as a tactic to mobilize the army during the war is widely used in modern times in the management of the private and public sectors. 

According to Michael Armstrong, “Strategic management is the visionary management that is concerned with creating ideas and maintaining concepts about where the organization should go. But it is also an experience-based management that will decide how to get the organization to that point in practice. ” 

Similarly, in the words of V. P. Michael, "Strategic management is the systematic and justified management process that is adopted to achieve certain long-term objectives in a way that suits the existing and expected forces and elements."

In strategic management, there is a plan but even if there is a plan, attention should be paid to the implementation because there is a human factor. Human is a factor that influences the culture and management of an organization.

Strategic Management deals with the following topics like bringing results, new marketing, new products, new technology, etc. In this sense, strategic management is very broad. It integrates the plan with every component of the organization. It expands the future strategic format through each unit of the organization. It is not mechanical, it recognizes the central role of the individuals and groups present in the organization, it influences the culture of the organization. 

Features of Strategic Management
  • Dealing with basic queries related to the organization
  • Situation based
  • To root out the main problem
  • Predicting the impact
  • Utilization of different opportunities
  • Determining priorities
  • Realistic plans
  • Us of the best experience
  • Ensuring the availability of resources
  • Arrangement of practical management structure
  • Flexibility
  • Top management activeness
  • Collective guidance, etc.

Significance of Strategic Management
  • Long-term vision
  • Oriented towards strategic success
  • Motivated managers and employees
  • Assist towards environmental needs
  • Assist in the formulation of objective plan and its implementation
  • More effective decision making process
  • Arrangements for procedural monitoring and adjustment
  • Strategy in Public Sector

This trend is started in the early 1980s in the public sector. It was introduced in later period in the private sector. The public sector should have the following:
  • There should be a statement of overall mission and objectives.
  • There should be environmental analysis or scanning.
  • There should be an audit of the internal profile and resources of the organization.
  • Strategies should be formulated, evaluated and selected.
  • Strategic plan should be implemented and controlled.

According to the scholars Osborne and Gaebler, strategic planning is the current and future projection of an organization or community, setting and measuring goals. It should include the following:
  • Analysis of external and internal situation
  • Identification of important issues faced by the organization
  • Basic mission of the organization
  • Presentation and adjustment of basic goals of the organization
  • Creation of the future form of the organization
  • Imagine the success of the organization
  • Development of strategies for realizing vision, mission and goals
  • Development of time table for measuring strategy and evaluating results

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Lean Management: Establishing a Competitive Management System

Lean management means establishing a competitive management system by making the organization structurally and procedurally agile. It aims at developing efficiency in production, simplicity and efficiency in service delivery, improvement in quality, adoption of prompt production cycle measures, and development-oriented tendencies. Lean management emphasizes on the structural aspects of management, the systemic aspect of work and the agility of staff management. This lean management can be changed as per the need, acceptable to the client, operated by expert and skilled and technically skilled staff, economical and efficiency based, more productive than procedural, encouraging change oriented creativity, reduced hierarchy and wide scope of control.

Lean management is a unique and effective tool to ensure continuous improvement of organizational management. It is a process of gradual but continuous improvement. It is also a strategic improvement of the accelerated process. It was first used only in the manufacturing sector, later in the service sector and is now used in the military, police and public sectors. Lean management reduces unnecessary costs and aims to measure the satisfaction of its customers as well as stakeholders. 

Techniques/ Processes of Lean Management
  • Unnecessary staff cuts
  • Development of group work
  • Focus on production process
  • Participatory management
  • Delegation of rights and responsibilities
  • Minimization of waste
  • Minimization of human resources
  • Development of human resources
  • Focus on creative discipline
  • Cooperation and partnership building
  • Use of new technology
  • Use of flexible time
  • Unproductive costs and system reduction
  • Emphasis on quality service delivery
  • Expert service contracts
  • Appropriate structural framework
  • Utilization of external capacity
  • Quick fulfillment of customer needs
  • Support for good governance
  • Focus on continuous improvement

Steps and Processes of Lean Management

1) In terms of policy

The organization should clearly identify its scope of work; do not work by government sector in such areas where the private sector and non-governmental organizations work; Emphasizing decentralization and liberalization; Focus all attention towards customer / consumer.

2) As a resource

To motivate, coordinate and arrange contracts for human resources as per the need; Arranging optimal use of financial resources; Achieving results using the full potential of physical resources; To make effective use of sources of data and information.

3) Organizational view

To establish an organization only for clear objectives and goals; Improving and changing the organizational structure; To carry out local level works from the community or private sector on issues other than the mandatory presence of the government. 

4) Administrative view

To expedite the work through modern information technology; Reducing levels of decision; Competent leadership and delegation of authority; Motivated staff management etc.

5) Simplified process

Assign the contact person; effective management of Citizen Charter; Arranging procedures and directives; Implementing e-governance.

In the context of Nepal,
  • Lean concept is accepted
  • Started organizational reform
  • Arranged a Citizen Charter with compensation
  • Arrangement of helpdesk
  • Arrangement of Nodal Officer
  • Mobile governance
  • Hello Sakar system
  • Arrangement of two shift operations in urgent places
  • Arrangement of compulsory training for employees
  • Employee contract arrangement etc.

Value Production Process

Value production is the ultimate goods and services. Each layer in the line adds value. Whatever results are obtained at the end point of the organization is the result of a series of long steps. The main basis for the survival of any organization is to produce the right value at the right time and at the right price. 

The structure of our organizations is based on a vertical process, which is the structure of organizations around the world, while the facilities and goods available to the people are horizontal. If there is no one to look horizontally in the organizational structure, then that organization becomes an orphan. As most of the management's assessments are accountable only to their respective departments, the results have been poor. Usually the flow of value is not completely normal, as well as what the needs of the people are, not even looking at the important business needs of the organization, they use what they have learnt or know. 

Lean Value Principles
  1. Price Specialization:- Ingredient based and satisfaction based.
  2. Identify the flow of value
  3. Flow - to make value creating
  4. Continuous pulling
  5. To adopt perfection
  6. Price instead of waste

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