
Result Oriented Administration / Result Oriented Management

Every action has a mission, vision or goal. The mission or goal must be determined before taking action. Then strategies are formulated on how to get there and work is done according to the strategy. 

All the people or organization requires inputs to reach the mission or goal. No output can be obtained without input. Automatic output is expected when input is invested. Result or output is also the objective effect of public action. Result-oriented management is when the input is invested in it, what is the outcome, what is the quality maintained, whether the consumer or service recipient is satisfied with the return received or not. Therefore, managerial activities that are aimed at achieving concrete results with an emphasis on outcome and not on input are called result-oriented management. Effective management also requires competent bureaucracy. 

In the view of the public, the reality of the government is the bureaucracy or administration for the citizens to get services and facilities. Administration is also called permanent government which helps in making the activities of running the state effective and result oriented. In fact, result-oriented management is a new dimension of public management. It emphasizes result-oriented rather than procedural action. The emphasis of result-oriented management is not on how the work was done and who did it or whether the policy rules were not fulfilled, but on what was done, how much was done, who went and what was achieved.

Similarly, in result-oriented management, the goals and objectives of each activity are determined and necessary strategies and programs are prepared and implemented towards reaching the goal. In which result oriented efforts / measures are adopted in every action and process from goal setting to accomplishing the set goal.

Result oriented management is not a separate administration but a means of achieving real results through administrative management. It expects excellent performance and pays special attention to both quantitative and qualitative aspects of managerial activities. In particular, it plays an important role in achieving goals. Effective management also plays a role in materializing abstract managerial activities. 

Some Glaring examples are; 
  • If money is given to a training center, it should be given on the basis of how many people have been trained and got job rather than on the basis of number of trainees.
  • Educational institutions in Arkansas and Florida in the USA stopped giving training funds because they got less than 70 percent work.
  • The funding should be done on the durability of road rather than the length of road to be constructed.
  • School funding should be based on pass out rate and high rank percentage.

Indicators to Measure Results
  • Efficiency criteria: - To increase the return by keeping the budget stable.
  • Criteria of economy: - Minimizing the input but the output remains the same.
  • Criteria of effectiveness: - The difference between what was expected and what was achieved is the criterion of effectiveness.
  • Criteria of service: - Criteria of service is the measurement of citizen's satisfaction in the goods and services provided.
  • Output measure: - It measures services and facilities made avail from the specified expenditure.
  • Impact measure: - Measuring the level of impact, i.e. the final impact on the society from the amount expenditure.
  • SMART: - Criteria should be SMART i.e. SMART objective. SMART means specified, measurable, achievable, reliable / reasonable representative, time bound.

Techniques / Process for Result Orientation
  • Clearly defining mission, vision or goal or objective
  • Determining strategies / tactics
  • Preparation of outline of plans and programs
  • Management of necessary resources including budget
  • Determining work and working procedures
  • Determining the schedule
  • Implementation of programs or activities
  • Effective monitoring and evaluation
  • Analysis of results
  • Backing up

Some tips of Result Orientation
  • Think of what can be measured and what can be done.
  • If we can't measure results, failure can't be separated from success.
  • If you can't see success, you can't reward it.
  • If you can't reward success, have you rewarded failure? Think of it.
  • If you don't see success, you can't learn from it.
  • If you don't recognize failure, you can't improve.
  • If you can demonstrate the results, you will be with the people.

Significance of Result Oriented Management
  • To achieve materialistic achievement
  • Benefit to the target group
  • Proper use of resources
  • Administrative commitment
  • Increasing the level of public participation
  • Increase in productivity
  • Increasing levels of motivation
  • Increase the capacity of the working class
  • Cost-per-unit return can be measured
  • Developing administrative professionalism
  • Promoting work culture
  • Increase the reputation of the organization
  • Increase people's trust in the organization, etc.

Issue / challenges of Result Oriented Management
  • Traditional organizational structure
  • Domination of politics in the administration
  • Lack of modern management
  • Lack of professionalism in administration
  • Centralized management system
  • Excessive government involvement
  • Procedural legal complications
  • Lack of capacity to use resources
  • Lack of administrative responsibility and accountability
  • Uncertain Terms of Service
  • Corruption
  • Lack of managerial values ​​and recognition
  • Unbalanced public participation
  • Lack of easy access to public services
  • Uncertainty in the availability of public services
  • Not paying attention to institutional development and expansion
  • Public grievance management is not effective
  • Lack of guarantee of good governance etc.

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