
New Public Service (NPS): An innovative concept of public management

New Public Service (NPS) is an innovative concept of public management. This concept was developed by Danhardt and Danhardt in 2003 to provide public services to the citizens in a new way. This is a strong critique and alternative to the New Public Management (NPM). The main objective of new public service is to learn from the theory of democratic system rather than from the theory of the private sector. 

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New Public Management: Meaning and Concept

This concept was originally developed from the Scandinavian countries and is considered a new form of public management (NPM) and improved governance. In the study of public management, the new public service is considered as a concept that sensitively prioritizes not only facts but also values, makes the administration feel responsible and accountable towards the citizens, and characterizes administrative professionalism, creativity, discipline and people-oriented administration. This NPS criticizes the for-profit and city-oriented private sector and deepens the responsibilities and obligations of public management in a democratic manner. The importance of NPS introduced in administration / management with the objective of promoting improved public service flow is increasing day by day. In a state system with unlimited responsibilities, the NPS carries the spirit of service-friendliness, not only by serving the people, but also by making the people feel at ease. NPS makes public management action-oriented, results-oriented, people-oriented, change-oriented, accountable, participatory and exploratory. 

New public service (NPS) has not been effectively implemented in Nepal's public management. Among the policy, structural, procedural and practical dimensions in this regard, the practical dimension is very weak. It has become imperative to make the administration customer-friendly as well as participatory, transparent, accountable, change-oriented and exploratory, while some rules and regulations need to be amended and changed in a timely manner.

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