
Essential Factors for Time Management in Project

The time management in project is very essential. It is bounded with time, cost and quality. The successful attainment of project will depend on the successful completion of the project. The following factors are essential for time management in project.
  1. Goal Clarity: The project objective and outcomes should be clearly defined.
    • Project activities should be prioritized.
    • Authority-responsibility relationships should be clearly defined. 
  2. Time Management Awareness: Project manager and members of the project team should be aware about their
    • Working style
    • Work habits
    • Personal traits
  3. Knowledge of Time Stealers: Time stealers in project can be;
    • Too many meetings and dead time in waiting.
    • Too many interruptions while doing work.
    • Uncontrolled telephone calls and visitors.
    • Information overload and poor retrieval system.
    • Poor  communication channels.
    • Decision delays and unclear instructions.
    • Incomplete or poorly done work.
    • Failure to delegate.
    • Inability to manage conflicts.
  4. Procedures for Project Related Work: Time management requires laying down of procedures for:
    • Evaluation of bids.
    • Preparation of Work Breakdown Structures, sequencing of activities, development and control of project schedule, revision of project schedule.
    • Estimation of time and resources for various activities.
    • Measurement of project performance and reporting.
    • Monitoring and follow-up, including auditing.

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