
Time Management Techniques

  1. Clarity in Goal: For managing time, there should be clarity in goal. In this, all should understand what is expected from them.
  2. Work Plan: There should be allocation work clearly to team members. Project activities should be defined and sequenced. Time duration for each activity should be estimated. A schedule should be developed and controlled for project activities.
  3. Use Daily Planner: Preparation of to do list and regular update is necessary.
  4. Daily Record: Maintenance of daily record like time log. Analyze it to prioritize work and to locate unproductive time. Find ways to improve next day's work.
  5. Use Dead Time: Effectively use dead time wasted in waiting for appointments and meetings.
  6. Avoid time stealers:
    • Control telephone calls and casual visitors in the project.
    • Avoid information overload by managing its flow.
    • Avoid unnecessary meetings and agenda-less meeting.
    •  Improve communication channels.
    • Avoid decision delays and give clear instructions to subordinates.
    • Manage conflicts effectively.
    • Insist on well done and completely done jobs.
  7. Use Time Saving Technology: Computers, Internet, fax, teleconferencing etc. save time. Information technology is a time saver. make use of them.
  8. Organize Work Life: Project manager should organize his work life by:
    • Learning to say no to jobs not liked.
    • Keeping the work desk clutter-free.
    • Knowledge of energy cycle and blocking times for creative work.
    • Setting deadlines for activity completion.
    • Focusing on one thing at a time.
    • Practicing calculated neglect.
    • Doing difficult tasks first.
    • Learning to relax.
    • Conducting meeting effectively.
    • Managing risks effectively.
  9. Delegate: After getting appropriate time, delegate it. Create project-wise awareness for effective time management.
  10. Ask three questions for Time Management:
    1. Do I have to do this work at all?
    2. Can somebody else do this work better?
    3. Are my priorities right.

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