
Time Management in Project

A project has a fixed completion date. But the project environment is uncertain. Many of the difficulties encountered in managing projects are caused by lack of effective time management. Time management is one of the keys of effective project implementation.

Time is one of the very scarce resource in project management. If the time is lost then it is lost forever. So, time management is very important for successful attainment of project's objectives. It helps to be done more works with less time.

The processes  of time management in project are:
  1. Activity Definition: It identifies specific activities required to produce project outcomes. Work breakdown structure is a useful tool for defining project activities.
  2. Activity Sequencing: It identifies interactivity dependencies. Project network diagram is a useful tool for sequencing of activities.
  3. Activity Duration: It estimates the time needed to complete individual activities. Resource requirements are estimated for each activity.
  4. Schedule Development: It creates project schedule. It determines start and finish data for all project activities. It is based on activity sequencing and time estimates of activities. It is a project time table.
  5. Schedule Control: It is measuring, evaluating and correcting project's timely performance. It is managing schedule changes as and when they occur. Project progress reports are useful for schedule control.

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