
Advertising Media and Selection of Advertising Medias

Advertising Medias

The tool used for disseminating information and message about goods or services is called advertising medium/media. Such tools/media carry sales messages to the customers. Effective media works as the bridge between producers and customers. Various medias can be used to make flow of information or messages. Every company may use the following media for disseminating their messages.

1. Newspapers

Newspapers provide information, ideas, attitude of organizations sponsors/advertisers to all the customers. Target customers get different materials such as refutation, criticisms, descriptions, analysis, etc. relating to various subjects through newspapers. Such news papers may be daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly or so on. The newspapers can be of local level, regional level, national or international levels. News, information, notices, messages, etc. are published in them. Such medias are called print medias. Most of the customers study such published materials.

2. Magazines

Magazines, bulletins, journals, business diary etc. are also important media for advertisement. Advertisement of goods or services can be disseminated through such media using different forms such as article, notice, poems, essays etc. Generally, they can be published in fortnightly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc. publications. In such papers, business, banking, agriculture, education, finance, insurance, transport, religion, culture, communication, advertisement etc. are mentioned which become very important for advertisement of any products.

3. Radio advertising

The subscribers / sponsors of advertisement may disseminate their advertisement of their products in the form of notice, information, description, etc. through radio. Generally, such radio advertising is made in the form of song, music, verse, short stories, etc. Such form of advertisement may be very popular among target customers or markets. Sports materials, consumer goods, household goods, minor equipment, health related goods etc. may be advertised in the form of notice or message. Such advertisement becomes very effective as the customers / audiences can hear even when they are busy working.

4. Film advertising

Entertaining and knowledge giving information / notices can be provided through film. As all the audiences hear, see and understand such advertisement, it becomes very effective and important. Advertisement with examples can be disseminated through cartoon strips, song, music, colorful slides, documentary films etc. The customers can remember the information or advertisement disseminated in such forms. So, firms are also one of the effective media for advertisement.

5. Television advertising

Nowadays, television advertisement has also become very popular among people. Advertisement of any product in form of colored pictures, scenes, main subject matter etc. can beautifully as well as attractively presented through this modern means of advertisement in television. So, all the customers can get opportunity to hear, see and understand the advertisement. They become clear about the quality, features, utility, price, using methods etc. of the products. Descriptive information and notices about household and consumer goods, construction materials, transport means, agricultural tools etc. are disseminated through such type of advertisement media.

6. Poster advertising

Posters can be pasted giving simple information about products. Posters may be prepared by printing or writing and can be pasted on walls, pillars etc. Such advertisement attracts the attention of many customers. The matters to be mentioned in posters should be short, attractive, complete and sweet. Such posters should be pasted mostly in stadium, cinema hall, super markets, bus stop, airport, education institution, port etc. so that the people / customers can get important information about the product.

7. Travelling display

Travelling and mobile display is also is one of the strong methods of advertisement. In this method, advertising materials are pasted, hung on buses, tempo, train, car, jeep, lorry, truck etc. to disseminate the messages or information. Such type of advertisement is done in the form of exhibition and poster. Different sized cards should be prepared according to the nature of product or services and capacity of company and should be pasted at different places. As such posters/cards are pasted on different means of transport, customers can easily see the information or messages. This travelling display method is very simple and cheap.

8. Bill board and hoarding board

Necessary information about goods or services are written on boards and are hung around supermarkets, crossroads, train and bus stations etc. to propagate them. Such advertisement can impress the customers. If such boards are hung at proper places, maximum number of customers can see and understand the message. Mostly, consumer goods, machineries and tools, means of transport, soaps, radio, televisions, sports' goods, etc. are advertised through these media. As this type of media repeatedly reminds the customers, this method is very important.

Selection of Advertising Media

Advertisement carries information and message to the customers of target markets at right time. For this, a proper medium is needed. If proper media is not selected, it cannot bring expected result. So, proper media for disseminating the company's message and information should be selected correctly. Only the proper media can provide necessary information to all the customers, readers, audience and observes. There are some important bases to be cared while selecting proper media for advertisement. They are as follows:

1. Nature of product

At first nature of product should be specially considered while selecting advertisement media. If the advertisement is not suitable to the nature of product, it becomes meaningless. Posers, newspapers, magazines etc. become suitable to use for advertisement of the products of local and small companies. The big companies should use national level media for advertisement. One type of media becomes suitable for the advertisement of perishable goods and other types of media become suitable for long lasting goods. So, right and suitable media should be selected according to the quality, features, utility, nature etc. of the goods. Only then advertisement can give effective result of advertisement.

2. Nature of market

Market area, size and nature also affect media selection. Message, information and description of goods or services become effective and interesting only through suitable media. In the national level market, print and electronic media become suitable and in local market external exhibition media become suitable. Geographical area, age group, income source, number of customers etc. also affect media selection. So, media should be selected only by considering the nature of market.

3. Advertising objective

Business firms advertise their products to achieve some important objectives. So, advertisement media should be selected considering the objectives of the company. If right media is selected, expected result can be achieved. For instance, if the objective is to sell new product, outdoor media may be used. On the other hand, if it is also to save company's reputation, direct media may be used. Os, main and auxiliary objectives should be considered while selecting advertisement media.

4. Nature of message

Nature of message also affects selection of media for advertisement. Message may be short, detail, important or less important. So message should be disseminated on the basis of the description and priority. Different media can be used according to the nature and subject of the advertisement. The media should be fixed only after deciding which types of customers or which group or community is intended to be given message or information about the product. So, media should be selected according to the nature of message and subject matter for advertisement.

5. Media cost

Suitable or proper media should be selected only after studying what cost is needed to use what types of media for advertisement. Reasonable and cost effective media should be used. As producers have to advertise various products and if proper and reasonable media is not used, advertisement cost becomes high and certain budget is finished in it. So, availability and budget source also should be considered and proper media cost be identified. So, proper media should be selected at reasonable cost.

6. Media Availability

Easy availability of media also should be considered for using them to advertise products or services. If there are many alternatives, the best media can be selected. But in the lack of different media, easy available one should be used. Availability of media also plays an important role. Sometimes, any media available at the time when needed needs to be compulsorily given responsibility for advertisement. However, in such condition there remains possibility to arise problems.

7. Competitors' selection

Sponsor/subscriber of advertisement, sometimes, should keep in mind the competitors' selection. If the media selected by the competitors' are stronger and more effective than selected by the company, advertisement is overshadowed. But sometimes, the same media selected by other competitors need to be accepted. Only then the customers' attention can be drawn. So, media selected by other sponsors/subscribers should be selected. Sometimes imitation also becomes helpful in achievement of company's objective.

8. Sales and distribution policy

Sales and distribution policy of a company also affect media selection. The advertisement and media should be suitable to the policy of the company. If advertisement media is selected which can be helpful to the company's policy and program, its effect becomes positive. So, if the distribution system is suitable and scientific, any media can be selected. So, the structure of distribution system also should be considered while selecting media.

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