
Sales Promotion: Short Term Encouragement / Stimulation for Attraction of Potential Customers

Meaning of Sales Promotion

Short term encouragement/stimulation used to create demand for the goods intended to sell is called sale promotion. This is an important element of promotion mix. In this competitive environment, its importance and popularity has been increasing daily. Sales promotion plays an important role to attract potential customers.

Various methods such as free sample distribution, rebet, coupon, price reduction, gift, decoration, fair, premium, display etc. can be used. Some producers keep cash prize into packets of goods.

The meaning of sale promotion can be clearly understood from the definitions given by experts and writers as follows:
According to Prof. William J. Stanton, "Sales promotion refers to demand stimulating device designed to supplement advertising and facilitate personal selling."


According to American Marketing Association, "Sales promotion refers to those marketing activities other than personal selling, advertising and publicity that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness such as display, show and exposition, demonstration, and various non-recurrent selling efforts not in the ordinary routine."


According to Prof. Philip Kotler, "Sales promotion consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker and/or greater purchase of particular product/services by customers or the trade."


The above mentioned definitions make it clear that various ways or methods that are devised to create demand for goods or services is called sales promotion. All the short term ways or methods devised for creating demand are called sales promotions. It works as the bridge to link advertisement and personal sale. Sales promotion also helps wholesalers and dealers.

Objectives of Sales Promotion

Generally, activities of sale promotion are conducted to expand/amplify sales. There may be various reasons and objectives for sale promotion. The main reasons or objectives are:

1. To attract new customers

Sales promotion activities should be conducted to attract attention of new customers. There are many methods to attract attention of the customers. Among them free sample distribution, coupon, price deduction, decoration are some of the examples. Such activities attract customers' attention. They may even give up / change the brand they have been using and get stimulated / encouraged to choose other new brand goods.

2. To introduce new product

The second objective of sales promotion is to introduce or present new products to the market. Bringing new product in market is very challenging and difficult task. It becomes difficult to sell new products in markets only using advertisement, personal sale and publicity or propagation. So, effective activities should be conducted for sales promotion. Sample display, presentation, trade fair etc. should be held to introduce or bring new product in the market. If new products are brought in market, they can face competition to some extent.

3. To encourage greater purchase volume

Sales promotion activities should be able to increase sales volume. The third objective of sales promotion is to increase sales volume and encourage customers to purchase more quantity. As different methods and tools of sales promotion encourage customers they become ready to buy and use greater volume of goods. Only when such situation is created, sales promotion becomes effective.

4. To educate the customers

Goods may remain in different conditions. Further improvement can be made by adding up some new features only after the products reach the maturity stage. This is called product modification. While adding new features to the products, quality and prices also are changed. So, customers should also be given full information about it. The same task is called educating the customers. Hence, sales promotion has the objective to educate customers.

5. To maintain selling stability

Sales quantity / volume remains changing for one or the other reasons. Sales may get fluctuation according to season or time. Greater volume of goods can be sold out in favorable season and less volume in unfavorable season. But, the sales volume can be maintained same even in unfavorable season by using tools of promotion, due to which selling stability remains for long. If stable sale is maintained, both the seller and buyer sides can get benefits.

6. To increase seller's inventories

The sales promotion activities increase the sales volume. When the sales volume increases, the wholesalers and retailers also should increase their inventories. Sellers become ready to increase inventories, provide facility, reduce price by purchasing goods even in unfavorable season. As a result, the inventories increase automatically.

7. To increase brand awareness

Sales promotion should make clear what products have been given brand name and their quality. In this way, to increase brand awareness in customers is also another important objective of sales promotion. Sample presentation, display, trade fair, etc. also greatly help to increase awareness.

8. To make better store display

Sales promotion inspires / encourages the retailers to make better display of goods in their shop. Nowadays, the producer of Lux soap, Bond Cigarette etc. have encouraged the retailers to display them in a beautiful way so that the customers may buy. They announce different prizes including cash, motorcycle and color television to customer.

9. To push new item

Sales promotion also encourages the sellers and channel members for sale of newly introduced products. So, they purchase new brand products from producers and urge or appeal the consumers to buy them.

10. To attract new channel members

Efficient new channel members are needed to sell any new product. Sales promotion encourages such new members to deal in such products. As a result, the market gets expanded and distribution management strengthened due to addition of new persons, channel-members or organizations. In this way, a competition among many channels members in selling products takes place through which the efficiency increases.

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