
Personal Selling Processes: Internal Selling Process and Travelling Personal Selling

In marketing, selling goods is very sensitive task. Success or failure of business depends on this task. So, an efficient seller should adopt certain process of selling goods. Indoor seller should complete the process such as drawing attention of the customers, politely welcoming them, asking or inquiring, showing goods, solving customers' doubts, helping them in selecting
goods, giving chances for selection, selling additional goods and seeing off with respect. Travelling or outdoor sellers should complete the process such as seeking customers, making pre-approaches, approach, displaying products, facing antagonism or complaint, objections and sell the products.

  • Internal Selling Process
    • Drawing attention
    • Welcome
    • Inquiry
    • Display of goods
    • Meeting objections
    • Selection of goods
    • Additional sale
    • Commendation of seeing off with praise
  • Traveling Personal Selling
    • Prospecting
    • Pre-approach
    • Approach
    • Presentation
    • Meeting objections
    • Closing the sale
    • Follow-up

1. Internal selling process

Internal selling should complete some process for selling goods. They can be mentioned as follows:

a) Drawing attention

The personal seller should, at first, attract potential buyers. Some important things should be done by the seller to attract the potential buyers' attention towards the shop. Such things are to arrange goods in order, in a decorative manner, keep shining board at right place, keep the shop clean, light colorful electric lights, keeping counter at convenient place etc. Only then the potential customers are attracted to the shop. In this way, there remains possibility of sale. These are the first stage tasks of internal seller.

b) Welcome

After the completion of the task of attracting attention, the customers enter the shop. The seller should welcome customers. They should be greeted respectfully. Then they should be offered sofa, chair or seat to sit. Tea, coffee, hot drinks should be offered according to season. In this way, they can be attracted.

c) Inquiry

At the third phase they should be inquired. The customers entered in the shop should be supposed as the emperor. So, they should be inquired with simple and easy manner to understand their wants. But the talks should not go beyond the context. If they are regular customers, they should be asked remembering their social dignity and respect.

d) Display of goods

After the priority has been understood, the seller should display / show the goods available in the shop. While displaying the goods, the seller should not reflect any irritation or bothers, but should be smiling, smart and helpful. The seller should explain the features, quality, utility using method, benefits etc. of the goods to the customers. Such information should be full, true and convincing. Only then the display becomes fruitful.

e) Meeting / facing objections

After hearing complete description of the goods, the seller may express objection. If they express doubt and raise problems towards any goods, the seller should solve such doubts and problems with cool mind and logics. Documents relating to the company, descriptions, guaranty-quality etc. should be proved to satisfy them. In this way, the customers can be convinced immediately.

f) Selection of goods

After the satisfactory answers have been given against the doubts, the customers can take buying decision. In this way, they select necessary goods with suitable price. The seller should help them in selecting good. They should not be given unnecessary pressure to buy any goods. They should be left free in choosing goods and given sufficient time to select and take rational buying decision.

g) Additional sale

When the customers become ready to pay the bill after selecting goods, the selling function completes. At that time, the seller should make efforts to sell additional goods. For example: the customers who buy television needs voltage controller, those who buy pen needs ink and copy, those who buy shoes need socks, those who buy suit may need tie. They also should be given information about such additional goods so that they are interested to buy such goods. Most of such efforts become successful to motivate them to buy additional goods.

h) Commendation and seeing off with praise

After taking price of the products sold, the customers should be seen off with respect. While seeing them off, the seller should praise or commend them for the selection, purchasing power, personality, behavior and identification of equality of goods. Such behavior of seller establishes close relation between sellers and customers. Such dealings of sellers also help in business success, and inspire customers to buy the goods repeatedly.

2. Travelling personal selling

Goods can be sold by roaming / traveling around different areas. Some processes should be completed to sell goods by a seller. The processes are as follows:

a) Prospecting

At first, the seller should seek prospective customers. The seller should find out the customers of the target market and investigate them who are to buy the goods. Prospective customers can be found out from past records, suppliers, reputed sellers, organizations etc. Besides, telephone, post office, newspapers, letters etc. also become helpful in finding out customers.

b) Pre-approach

After the completion of seeking out prospective customers, arrangement for pre-meeting them should be made. More information about the prospective buyers should be collected. Specially, the task of meeting prospective buyers, knowing about their need, interest and wants should be completed at this stage.

c) Approach

The seller meets the customers in order to sell goods or services according to their need. In this process, the seller establishes close relationship with them. In such meeting, the sellers should be efficient, flexible, polite and confidential.

d) Presentation

At this stage, the seller should show the goods, describe the quality, utility, benefits features, handling methods, etc. of the goods to the customers. While explaining, the sellers should be confidential and dependable.

e) Meeting objection

The prospective customers may raise different questions on the goods after presentation of the goods. Such questions and doubts should be clearly and orderly replied so that they are convinced also mention about the company, its sales records, sales quantity etc. After they are answered clearly presenting data, objections can be carefully met.

f) Closing the sale

After the seller gives satisfactory answers to the questions of the buyers, they are satisfied. Then buying order is received. Arrangement for sale according to the order should be made. At this stage, conditions of sale, after sale services, warranty, guaranty conditions etc. are determined. Then the buyer should be praised for selecting quality goods.

g) Follow-up

After the goods have been sold, follow up should be done about the goods. The seller should observe whether the goods have been correctly used or not. Along with this, the goods should be repaired, exchanged, or provide free service, if needed, according to the pre-set condition. This helps to keep continuity of selling the goods and the relationship between seller and buyer remains always good, renewed and warm.

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