
On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job training is the most widely used training methods take place on the job. The popularity of these methods can be attributed to their simplicity and the impression that they are less costly to operate. On-the-Job training places the employees in actual work situations and makes them appear to be immediately productive. It is learning by doing. For jobs
that either are difficult to simulate or can be learned quickly by watching and dong, on-the-job training makes sense.

One of the drawbacks of on-the-job training can be low productivity while the employees develop their skills. Another drawback can be the errors made by the trainees while they learn-however, when the potential problems trainees can create are minimal where training facilities and staffs are limited or costly, or where it is desirable for the workers to learn the job under normal working condition, the benefits of on-the-job training frequently offset the drawbacks. Let’s look at two types of on-the-job training, apprenticeship programs and job instruction training. People are seeking to enter skilled trades-to become, for example, heating/air conditioning ventilation technicians. Plumbers or electricians-are often required to undergo apprenticeship training before they are elevated to master mechanic status. Apprenticeship programmes put the trainee under the guidance of a master worker. The agreement for apprenticeship programs is that the required job knowledge and skills are so complex as to rule out anything less than a period of time where the trainee understudies a skilled master. During the world work II, a systematic approach to on-the-job training was developed to prepare supervisors to train employee. This approach was called job instruction training (JIT). JIT proved highly effective and became extremely popular. JIT consists of four basis steps.
  • Preparing the trainees by telling them about the job and overcoming their uncertainties.
  • Presenting the instruction giving essential information in a clear manner.
  • Having the trainees try out to demonstrate their understanding.
  • Placing the workers in the job, on their own, with a designated resource person to call upon should they need assistance.
Job instruction training applications can achieve impressive results. By following these steps, studies indicate that employee turnover can be reduced. Higher level of employee morale has been witnessed, as well as decrease in employee accidents.

Advantages of On-the-Job Training
  • Supervisory takes an active part in the training programme. 
  • The training is relatively cheaper and convenient. No separate equipment and accommodation is required for training. The trainee produces during the training period.
  • The trainee learns in the actual job environment so that he is strongly motivated to learn. No adjustment is needed after the training as the training is not located in artificial situations. Employees are trained in accordance with the job requirements so the training is realistic.
Limitations of an On-the-Job Training:
  • If the supervisor’s methods are defective, the trainee learns the wrong methods. The effectiveness of training is dependent on the competence and motivation of the supervisor.
  • This method of training is very time consuming.
  • Training involves some interface in the normal work routine. At the sometime the pressure of work makes concentration on learning difficult. Some wastage or spoiled work may occur during training on the job. Trainees may cause damage to machinery and equipment.
  • There is no uniformity in training as every supervisor is a different training unit.
  • There is often the tendency in training as every supervisor is a different training unit.
  • There are often a tendency to ignore principles and theory in favour of immediate results.

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