
Issues in Conducting Training Programmes

Training programmes need to be effectively implemented. Action assignments are the essence of conducting training programmes. Who, where, when and how of training activities need careful consideration?
  1. Administration: Administration of training programmes is a key implementation issue.
    1. What should be the design of relationships and coordination mechanism for training?
    2. What should coordinate training programs?
    3. Who should have authority to make changes in the training design during the conduct of training?
  2. Trainees (target group): Trainers are key actors in the conduct of training programmes. Many issues revolve around the trainers are
    1. Who should participate in the training?
    2. How should trainee be selected?
    3. How should indiscipline on the part of trainees be managed?
  3. Trainers: Trainers are key actors in the conduct of training programmes. Many issues revolve around the trainers are
    1. Who should participate in the training?
    2. How should trainee be selected?
    3. How should indiscipline on the part of trainers or resource persons from external sources?
    4. What should be compensation modality for the trainers?
    5. Should there be a roster of resource person?
    6. What should be the modality for evaluating the effectiveness of trainers?
    7. How should trainers be trained?
  4. Training methods: Training methods are the mechanism of conducting training. The key issues in training methods are
    1. What training methods should be used for conducting training?
    2. Should be used for conducting training? Should they be on the job or off-the-job methods?
    3. What methods should be used to make training practical and experimental?
    4. Should the training methods furs. Individual work or group work?
  5. Training Materials: The key issues related to training materials are
    1. Who should develop training materials and of what type?
    2. When should train materials be distributed?
    3. What training aids should be used?
  6. Mode of delivery: The mode of delivery poses many issues for the conduct of training. They are
    1. What types of information system should be developed for conduct of training?
    2. What records should be kept for training?
    3. What records should be kept for training?
    4. How can the safety and confidentiality of training records be ensured?
  7. Resources: The key issues are
    1. How should the training budget be released, spent and controlled?
    2. Should training expresses be audited?
  8. Evaluation: The key issues are
    1. How should the impact of training be evaluated?
    2. What variables should be considered for evaluation?
    3. Should there be continuous evaluation of training while it is being conducted?
    4. How should the evaluation result be used for effecting improvements in training programs?
Besides mentioned above all the points of emerging issues in the design and conducting of training programs, the following heads should be taken into a consideration.
  • Job entry training may be necessary before a person can be considered for entry to a job. For example, passing a pole-climbing course prior to being considered for a job as a telephone installer or repairer.
  • Admission into the training program.
  • The training process itself may have an adverse impact on women and minorities. For example, physical equipment for training may be designed primarily for men, thereby making it difficult for some women to use because of their generally shorter legs and arms. The vocabulary level in training manuals may require a reading ability for higher than is necessary to perform the job itself, consistently results in inferior performance by women and minorities.
  • Career decisions, such as the retention in the training program or preferential job assignment, are sometimes made on the basis of measures collected during training.
  • Affirmative action plans commonly specify goals for the recruitment. Selection and training of women and minorities.

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