
Major Roles of HRM

Major Roles of HRM

Human resource management is a vital function of management in organizational settings. HRM performs the following roles in an organization.
1. Line Function Role: HR managers perform the line authority role within the human resource management department. They have right to make decision to direct the work of subordinates. And given order to their own department.

2. Staff Function Role: HR managers perform the staff authority role by assisting and advising line managers on HRM matters. HR managers are generally staff managers. They assist and advise line managers in acquisition, development, utilization and maintenance of human resources. They also administer various benefits and services for employees. They also assist line managers to comply with legal provision related to human resources in the organization.

3. Functional Control Role: HR managers perform the functional control role by coordinating all activities related to human resources management. They ensure that human resources objectives, policies, procedures, programmes and laws are being consistently carried out by line managers throughout the organization.

4. Strategies Role: HR managers are concerned with the development and implementation of people strategies to attain organizational goals. Such strategies are integrated with overall organizational strategies.

Responsibilities of HRM

According to the expert, “The direct handling of people is and always has been an integral part of every line manager’s responsibility, from president down to the lowest level supervision.” For example, one major company outlines its line supervisors’ responsibilities for effective human resource management under the following general headings.

  • Placing the right person on the right job.
  • Starting new employees in the organization (orientation).
  • Training employees for job that are new to learn
  • Improving job performance of each person.
  • Gaining creative cooperation and developing smooth working condition.
  • Interpreting the company’s policies and procedures.
  • Controlling labor cost.
  • Developmental moral
  • Protecting employee’s health and physical condition.
In small organizations, line managers may carry out all these personnel duties unassisted. But as the organization grows, they need the assistance specialized knowledge, and advice of a separate human resource staff.

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