
HRM in System Prospective

HRM in System Prospective

Management is a system which involves interrelated activities necessary to achieve goals. Human resource management is a part of management which focuses on the workforce. It also involves a system consisting of input, processing, output and feedback. It is affected by both internal and external environment.
Human Resource Management System
1. Input: The input of human resource management includes those components necessary for organizational functioning to achieve a defined goal. The input factors of HRM include the following components:
  • Organizational Plan
  • Human Resource Plan
  • Organizational Strategy
  • Human Ability and Competency
  • Labor Market and Technology
  • Human Resource Inventory
As an input in a system, the workforce provides both administrative and technical support to the management to complete the assigned job at the proper time. Therefore, input component is most essential in human resource management system.

2. Processing: Processing involves all human resource functions necessary to convert input into output. The following are the components of human resource processing. 
  1. Acquisition: It involves the employment of the right number and kind of workforce to the right job. It includes activities of manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement and socialization of workforce. Manpower planning involves determination of current and future workforce requirement in the organization. Recruitment involves identifying the sources of workforce and stimulating them to apply for vacant posts. Selection is the process of making choice of the right workforce. Placement is the assignment of job on the basis of skill. In socialization, employee know about organizational culture, tradition and working environment. 
  2. Development: It ensures the required competencies of the workforce to perform assigned task efficiently. On the basis of requirement of an organization, it is essential to develop working efficiency of employees. For this, the management needs to organize many efficiency development programs consisting of training, workshop, seminar, education etc. It also involves the programs necessary to develop competencies and conceptual ability among the managers.
  3. Motivation: It is a psychological aspect and ensures the optimum utilization of human resource. It develops a sense of belonging among the workforce and encourages them to do the given job in accordance with their best ability. Employees work in the organization for the satisfaction of their needs. For this, the management needs to consider both extrinsic and intrinsic factors that satisfy and motivate them. Extrinsic factors include job design, working environment, supervision, financial incentives, promotion etc. Intrinsic factors include achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, growth etc.
  4. Maintenance: It ensures retaining productive employees in the organization for a long time. It is possible only by maintain good relation with employees and providing better working environment in the organization. Therefore, it is essential to consider health, safety and comfort of employees. It helps to satisfy employees and makes them committed towards their job.
3. Output: The output component of human resource management includes goal achievement, quality of work life, productivity, commitment, efficiency, readiness for change etc. The effectiveness of human resource management is measured on the basis of its output. We can only say that the system developed in human resource
management is appropriate only when output is achieved effectively.

Human resource management is a continuous process and lasts till the existence of the organization. As such, it is essential to evaluate the feedback of the system. The implementation of HRM system is affected by environmental changes; therefore, if the present system is not effective for future performance, it is necessary to modify the system.

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