
Conflict: Meaning and Concept of Conflict

Conflict has been defined from several stand points in literature. In one approach, it has been related with tension and defined as expression of hostility, negative attitude, antagonism, misunderstanding, aggression, rivalry, stereotypes, etc. In political science and economics, it has been associated with situations, bodying contradictory or irreconcilable interest between two opposing groups. Conflict is also considered a special kind of competition and as a break down, delay and difficulty in the decision making process. In general, conflict has been defined as a process in which an individual purposefully makes a concerted effort to offset the efforts of another individual by some form of blockage that causes frustration to the better in accomplishing his goals or furtherance of his interests. 

Conflict is a difficult and controversial topic. Conflict has been defined from several stand points in literature. Conflicts are experienced every day by both individual and groups. Conflict is the perception and feelings by one party, individual, or group that the 'other' party is hindering the first party from achieving a goal. Conflict can be between two or more individuals (interpersonal), between teams or groups (inter-groups), or between organizations (inter-organizational). In all these conflicts the some process is involved: one party wants to achieve a goal and other party is seen as hindering the first from achieving that goal. Stress has also been laid on conflicts between the leaders and the led, and between formal and informal leaders involving situations in which formal leadership is not accepted and tension and aggression are generated. 

In most cultures, it has negative connotations because it runs counter to the notion that we should get along with people by being kind and friendly. Although many people intellectually understand the value of conflict, they feel uncomfortable when confronted by it. Their discomfort may result from a lack of understanding of the conflict process as well as form a lack of training on how to handle interpersonal confrontations effectively (Whetten & Cameron: 2011). A conflict over issues is not likely within top-management teams but also valuable. Such conflict provides executives with a more inclusive range of information, a deeper understanding of the issues and a richer set of possible solutions. 

There are following definitions given by various experts: 
"Conflict is a process in which an effort is purposefully made by one person or unit to block another that results in frustrating the attainment of the other's goals or the furthering of his interests." – Stephen P. Robbins 

"Conflict is any situation in which two or more parties feel themselves in opposition. It is an interpersonal process that arises from disagreements over the goals or the methods to accomplish those goals." – John W. Newstorm and Keith Davis 

"Conflict has been defined as the condition of objective incompatibility between values and goals: as the behavior of deliberately interfering with another's goal achievement; and as emotionally in terms of hostility. Descriptive theorists have explained conflict behavior in terms of objective conflict of interest, personal style reactions to threats and cognitive distortions." – Ralph H. Kilman and Kenneth W. Thomas 

From the above definitions, conflict is a disagreement about the allocation of scarce resources or clashes regarding goals, values and so on, can occur on the interpersonal and organizational level. In other words, conflict has been defined as a process in which an individual purposely makes an effort to offset the efforts of another individual by some form of blockage that causes frustration to the latter in accomplishing his goals or furthering of his interests. Similarly, following points can be taken to understand the concept of conflict: 

  • Conflict is a dynamic process as it indicates a series of events: each conflict is made up of series of interlocking conflict episode.
  • Conflict arises because of incompatibility of two or more aspects of an element; it may be goals, interests, methods of working, or any other feature.
  • Conflict must be perceive and expressed by the parties to it if no one is aware of a conflict. It is generally agreed that conflict does not exist in events though there may be incompatibility in some respect.
  • Conflict occurs when an individual is not able to choose among the available course of action.

Positive Outcomes of Conflict 

More often conflict leads to certain positive outcomes. A few of them are: 
  • It provides an individual a chance to think again, undertake self introspection and have a second look at the existing things, by the procedures, policies, equipment, behaviors etc. 
  • It leads to innovation and at times, to new direction. It is therefore, even necessary for organization survival and growth. 
  • It helps to seek classification and generate search behavior. 
  • At times, it is also used as a means to certain ends and to create confusion or set subordinates against each other in order to maintain the interested party's own position. It may not be a positive outcome in the strict sense of the term from the organizational point of view, but it is certainly a management strategy toward the problems temporarily. It may be viewed as an unavoidable cost of the pursuit of one's aspirations. 
  • When conflict is developed, attention is immediately drawn to the malfunctioning parts of a system. It is an indication that the situation calls for improvement. Conflict is, therefore, an essential portion of a cyber-native system. 
  • Long standing problems which continue to agitate people's minds surface. They are able to release their tensions and unburden themselves. They display creativity in identifying solutions and problems are dealt with. 
  • It energies people, leads to mild stimulation and one is at one's best in times of crisis. It helps them test their capacities. 
  • It serves as a cementing force in a group and incredible unity is witnessed even in a heterogeneous group in times of tension. 
  • For some, it is exhilarating, provides endless challenge and meaning to their lines. 

Negative Side of Conflict 

Many times conflicts may be detrimental and disastrous. A few of such circumstances in which it can be termed as harmful and undesirable are as discussed below: 
  • When conflict does not lead to solution of a problem, it is unproductive and investment of time and effort goes waste. 
  • It is undesirable if it creates a climate of distrust and suspicious among people, if some people feel defeated and if it develops antagonism instead of a spirit of cooperation. 
  • It is seriously harmful if it distracts attention from basic organizational objectives and makes people work for their defeat. 
  • As a consequence of conflict, there may be fight of personnel from the organization. 
  • When management loses objectivity and treats disagreement as equivalent to disloyalty and rebellion, an opportunity for creativity should be deemed to have been lost. It may even pour oil over troubled water, exploit difference to strengthen itself and weaken other, and accept resolution capable of different interpretations. 
  • In an attempt to find a solution, management may gloss over serious differences and suppress certain feelings which may accept at inappropriate moments and hit safe targets. 
  • In the event of a conflict, there may be intensification of internalization of sub unit goals which may result in the neglects of overall organizational goals.

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