
Project Monitoring and Evaluation

The process of collecting information to review the project implementation timely is known as monitoring. It is a continuous process of management of reviewing key factors of project implementation performance. It ensures that project inputs, schedules, outputs and other actions are proceeding according to the project plan. The monitoring of project is done during the project implementation phase. It is result oriented and benefits can also be monitored.

Monitoring is primarily aimed at tracking and improving project implementation. Problems are identified. Corrective actions are taken. It is a feedback mechanism. It is an internal activity in the project based on meetings and reports.

Evaluation is an objective and systematic judgmental process for determining relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and impact of project performance. It is assessment of project during implementation.

Evaluation is done to improve project implementation and to improve future project planning and decision making. It is an external activity in the project.

The objectives of project evaluation are:
  • To verify whether the project implementation progress is an planned.
  • To take corrective measures for deviations in performance.
  • To ascertain that actual costs are within the budgets.
  • To ensure that quality standards are being attained.
  • To report project progress status to customer as needed.
  • To identify unexpected problem areas and manage them.
  • To bring about overall improvement in project performance to achieve project objectives.
Evaluation can be of the following types:
  • On-going: Conducted during the implementation phase. Its purpose is to correct deficiencies as they occur to improve project performance.
  • Mid-Term: It is carried out mid-way during implementation. Its purpose is to improve implementation.
  • Terminal: It is conducted after project completion. It provides lessons for future project planning.
  • Ex-Post: It is conducted some years after project completion to evaluate the impact of the project.

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