
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E)

Monitoring and evaluation can be participatory where the progress, problems and prospects of the project are analyzed collaboratively by all project stakeholders. In donor funded development projects, active participation of beneficiaries is emphasized to assess effects and impacts of the project on them. Participatory monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is action oriented and cyclical in nature.

The key requirements of participatory evaluation are:
  1. Beneficiaries should be active participants, not just information providers.
  2. Stakeholders should actively  participate in carrying out monitoring and evaluation.
  3. Focus should be on building stakeholder capacity and commitment.
  4. The process should lead to improved implementation through corrective actions.
Stages in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Key stages in participatory M&E are:
  • Preparation: This involves:
    • Defining terms of reference for M&E
    • Identifying the stakeholders and a lead facilitator
    • Training to stakeholders.
  • Action planning: A time schedule is worked out.
  • Implementation of M&E: The cycle consists of :
    •  Self evaluation -->  Analysis --> Plan --> Act
  • Dissemination of M&E results:
    • PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), testimonials by beneficiaries and workshops can be used as methods for participatory M & E.

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