
Information & Decision Role of Project Manager

Information Role

As a communicator, the project manager:
  • Gathers information from the project. Provides status reports.
  • Disseminates information inside the project and outside the project through downward, upward and lateral channels.
  • Removes barriers to communication.
  • Acts as a spokesperson for the project.
Project communication can be through correspondence, Internet, audio-visual presentations, reports, meetings and trainings.

Decision Role

The project manager is a decision maker about project's day to day activities. He is also a troubleshooter when problems arise.

The decision role is concerned with:
  • Resource Allocation: Allocation of resources to meet project needs.
  • Negotiation: The project manager negotiates resolution of disputes both inside and outside the project.
  • Disturbance Handling: The project manager makes decisions about unexpected disturbances in the project, such as strikes, natural disasters etc.
  • Manage change: The project manager manages all changes in project.

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