
Balancing Role of Project Manager

The project manage creates a balance between the interests and conflicting needs of :
  1. Customer (client)
  2. Functional Departments
  3. Project
  4. Project Team
  5. Stakeholders
    • The project manager maintains a customer focus in the project to satisfy customer needs. All projects have customers (clients) and groups of beneficiaries.
    • The project manager manages interfaces with the functional departments of the organization to acquire project people and resources to get things done. He interacts  with the on-going operations of the parent organization.
    • The project manager performs the front person role for the project. He preserves integrity of the project at all time.
    • The project manager balances the needs of the team members by bringing harmony in project goal and individual goal.
    • The project manager satisfies the needs of stakeholders who have interest in the project and can impact project outcome. He manages the contractors, consultants, suppliers and financiers of the project. He develops trusting relationships with the project stakeholders.

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