
Task Environment (Stakeholders) of Project

The another types of environment found in project is task environment. The task environment of a project immediately surrounds the project. It is made up of stakeholders. Their interests are affected by the project. They affect the project activities. Projects can influence task environment. The elements of project's task environment are:
  1. Client: A project is custom-made. It satisfies the needs of a client. The client specifies the project's terms of reference. The client greatly influences the project. The project should be focused on client needs and requirement.
  2. Contractors: A project involves high level of contracting and subcontracting. The greater the complexity, the greater the level of contracting. Turnkey projects are getting important. The contractors influence project progress. Almost 80% of project work is contract based.
  3. Consultants: The project consists of an array of consultants from inception to completion. They exert important influences on project activities in all phases of the project life cycle.
  4. Suppliers: Projects depend on suppliers for procurement of equipment, materials, services and labor. They affect efficiency, quality and schedule of project through delivery timings. Projects should build good relations with suppliers.
  5. Government: the policies, attitudes and facilities by government help or constrain projects. Projects should comply with government regulations and directives. They should be environment-friendly.
  6. Financiers: The financiers of the project can be owners, shareholders, organizations or donors. They affect fund mobilization for the project.
  7. Competitors: Competition is everywhere. The competition for projects is intense.Work can be done almost anywhere. Competitors actions affect the project.
  8. Labor Unions: Unionization is increasing in projects. Labor relations need to be effectively managed by projects. Industrial disputes leading to strikes can adversely affect project progress.

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