
Ethics in Public Administration | Code of Conduct in Public Administration

Ethics is the set of criteria that distinguishes a human being from right or wrong. It is also a narrow sense of code of conduct. This is a guideline (list of rules and principles) for employees working in the public sector to tell them whether their behavior is right or wrong, which will tell them whether to take something or not. In the same way, ethics is a principle of personal conduct. The rule or principle that distinguishes our conduct from right or wrong is the ethics that apply from the code of conduct. In particular, the required conduct is implemented by including it in the law.

This principle can be applied worldwide. Therefore, ethics is an absolute criterion of such qualities as honesty, unwavering value, and reliability. It can be implemented by following the code of conduct. Therefore, a code of conduct or morality provides guidance to employees and public officials in case of conflict between personal desires or interests and public responsibility. This is a standard that must be observed in relation to the employee's work behavior.

Why do we need Ethics / Code of Conduct?
  • To maintain a good image
  • To be exemplary in society
  • To prevent abuse of power and authority
  • To maintain political neutrality
  • To ensure administrative efficiency
  • To preserve high standards of conduct
  • For the purpose of fairness in practice
  • For professional excellence.

Norms of Ethical Standards in the Context of Nepal
  • Public officials should not use public office for their own benefit or the personal benefit of others.
  • Employees should not do their personal work during office hours.
  • You or your family should not take any donations, gifts, donations related to the organization for personal benefit.
  • Do not do any business without the prior approval of the government and do not accept jobs elsewhere.
  • Do not sell even if your subordinate wants to buy in any of your business.
  • Do not involve in the process of giving permission for contracting and buying and selling and fixing the price in an organization controlled by oneself and one's close family members.
  • Government offices should not be harmed.
  • Confidential information of your organization for yourself or other person should not be used while in office or even when out of office.
  • Regularly attend the office.
  • Should not have political or unwanted influence, should not participate in politics.
  • When you present yourself as a customer in the organization involved now or in the past, you have to take the order of your organization.
  • Respect for your superiors and treat your subordinates appropriately.
  • No one should be pressured to strike or close the pen and cause physical or mental harassment.
  • You should follow the conduct of your service and position.

If we have a Code of Ethics / Conduct, trust in the government will increase from customers, people, voters, etc. It also reflects what quality we can get from the government.
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