
Factors Determining Elasticity of Demand

It is difficult to say whether the demand for a commodity is elastic or inelastic. Whether the demand for a commodity is very elastic or less elastic depends on several factors. The main factors determining elasticity of demand can be explained as follows:
  1. Nature of commodity: The elasticity of demand depends on nature of the commodity. The goods are classified as necessary, comfort and luxury. In general, the demand for necessaries of life such as food grain, salt is inelastic. The increase in price does not reduce demand. In general, the demand for comfort and luxury such as T.V., car, smartphones is elastic. The decrease in price increases the demand for the demand these goods. But necessary and luxury are relative terms. So, for the same commodity, elasticity may differ from person to person. As for example, the demand for car is a necessary to the rich but luxury to the poor. Hence, demand for car may be inelastic for the rich and elastic for the poor.
  2. Existence of substitutes: The existence of substitutes also affects the elasticity of demand. As for example, tea and coffee are substitutes. If the price of tea increases people substitute coffee. So, the demand for tea is elastic. But the demand for the commodities having no substitute such as salt, potato, onion is relatively inelastic.
  3. Number of uses: When the commodities have several uses, the demand for such commodities is elastic. As for example, electricity. If the price of electricity fall, it is put to several uses such as in cooking, pressing clothes, using fan etc. The elasticity of demand may be different in different uses. As for example, the demand for electricity for cable car is inelastic, since it does not have alternative. But for domestic purpose such as for cooking, electricity can be substituted by gas. So, demand is elastic.
  4. Possibility of postponement: When the possibility of postponement of consumption of a commodity exists, the demand is elastic. As for example, the consumption of Coca-cola can be postponed. But in case of consumption of goods, which are urgently needed, demand will be inelastic. The consumption of rice cannot be postponed.
  5. Level of Prices: If the price is too high or too low, the demand for a commodity will be inelastic. In case of expensive goods like T.V., car, camera, phones, demand will be inelastic. This implies that a small change in price, say $100 will not have effect on demand. The demand will be elastic only if the price change is high. Likewise, the demand for low-priced goods such as salt, onion, newspaper is inelastic. A small change in price will not affect demand. Because, all might have already purchased the required quantity.
  6. Proportion of income spent: if the persons spend a small amount in a commodity, a change in its price will not affect demand or demand will be inelastic. As for example, the demand for cheaper goods such as salt, matches is inelastic. But in case of expensive commodity such as car, demand is elastic.
  7. Habit and custom: If the commodities are demanded or account of habit and custom, demand will be less elastic. As for example, the increase in price of cigarettes or wine does not reduce the demand. Likewise, due to custom, the increase in gold price does not reduce the demand for wedding ring.
  8. Consumer’s incomes: Generally, the higher a person’s income the more inelastic will be his demand for commodities. The demand of millionaire for all commodities may be unaffected by any change in price. For most people, however, choice has to be made. Lower the person’s income, the higher the need of choice.

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