
Emerging Trends in Marketing in a Competitive Market

The new trends in marketing as follows:

1. Globalization

Globalization is an emerging trend in marketing. It refers to free flow of ideas, goods and services all over the world. Effect of globalization is increasing in marketing. Increasing globalization is crating both opportunities and challenges for marketers. It is also creating international competition.

2. Changing technology

Changing technology is also an emerging trend in marketing. Development in information and communication technology, electronics, new materials and nano-technology development advances are opening many new opportunities for marketing.

3. Direct marketing

Direct marketing is also increasing. Direct mail, catalogue, telephone, television etc. are used in direct marketing. Now-a-days Internet and websites are also using and e-commerce is getting popular. Business-to-business purchasing is growing fast on the Internet.

4. Service marketing

The role of service products to satisfy needs, wants and demand of customers.

5. Outsourcing

An emerging trend in marketing is outsourcing. It is the process by which marketers purchase inputs such as capital, human resources, technology, machines, raw materials, technical know-how, skills, services from other organizations throughout the world. Outside suppliers are playing greater role in supply of goods and services.

6. Relationship marketing

Relationship marketing is also the emerging trend in marketing. It is concerned with building long-term mutually satisfying relationship with customers. Marketers focus on managing their customers as well as their products and series. They also focus on quality, value, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and partnership with customers.

7. Quality marketing

Quality marketing is concerned with customer satisfaction. In order to deliver customer satisfaction, marketers have to offer ‘quality’ in their goods and services. Now-a-days total quality management (TQM) is getting popular.

8. Growth of global brands

Global companies, with very large size and scale of activities, have now been growing. These companies are able to establish their brands in global markets. Global brands in electronics, foods, clothing, autos, intellectual property etc. are becoming popular all over the world. Due to the practices of licensing and franchising strategies global brands are increasing.

9. Global life style

Advances in global communication, television networks, transportation, technology, cross cultural exchange, flow of tourists across the globe etc. are promoting global life styles. Global life style is providing added opportunities for marketers.

High-tech industries: Now-a-days high-tech industries also growing. Mechanization, automation, computerization, robotics, information technology, biotechnology, nano-technology, new materials and artificial intelligence are getting popular. Marketers can achieve gain economies of scale by using high-tech.

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    All the best !!!

    Information Technology
