
How can companies attract customers and retain them?

How can companies attract customers and retain them?

Traditionally, the focus of marketing has been on building new markets and attracts new customers. But it is not enough to be skillful in attracting new customers; the firm must keep them and increase their business. Now, firms are found giving more weight to attract customers and retain them. The key to customer retention is customer satisfaction. A highly satisfied customer stays loyal for long periods; buys more when the company introduces new product; talks favorably about the product and the firm; pays less attention to competitor’s advertisement and brands; is less sensitive to competitors price and other offers; provides ideas to the firm to improve the product; and the cost of servicing a loyal customer is lower than the cost of servicing a new.

Firms seeking to expand their market have to attract customers and retain them. For this, they have to spend considerable time and resources. They must develop several advertisements and places them in various indoor, outdoor, direct and display media that will reach new prospects. Advertising is the cheapest, fastest, and reliable medium to attract the new customers as well as current customers.

Besides these, customer retention can be done by the following methods:

1. Erecting High Switching Barriers

In order to make customer retained, the firm can erect high switching barriers. Switching may involve high capital costs, high search costs, and loss of attractive discounts for current customers. It could sometimes be wise to phone recent buyers and get information to what degree they are satisfied with the products and services.

2. Developing Relationship Marketing

Relationship marketing is best tool to retain the customers. Therefore, the firm needs to develop relationship marketing remembering customers between calls, building a personal reputation, improving customer relations, maintaining after sales services, providing solutions to their problems, etc. The firm takes steps to know and serve its customers better.

3. Customer’s Expectation

For the retention of the customer, it is also very necessary to set the customer’s expectation in prior state. The setting of customer’s expectation help to minimize the uncertainty level of offering your services to your clients. The expectation of the customers should be made developed as positive and delivering the services in the particular time. But sometimes, it may also lead to negative, if the delivery the services is not done in the particular time. Due to such negative expectations, the client/ customers may also cancel their order from the business.

4. Being the Expert

Now a days, the small business organization needs to be more dependent upon the services. So, being the expert in the particular services you are delivering surely help to retain the customers towards your services. The business organization should be trusted advisor for building customer loyalty and reduce customer churn.

5. Conduct Customer Surveys

In order to know the reactions of the customers towards the delivered services, it is also very necessary to conduct customer surveys. By conducting the surveys, the business organization can triggered out the weakness of the services and can turn into strength. The feedback of the customers also play great role because the information provided by the customers are very valuable for the services delivered in relation to the customers’ expectations.

6. Online Relationship

In the age of advanced communication technology, business can build online relationship with their clients very easily and building an online relationship is also taken as the way of retaining customers towards your services. Nowadays, there are a lot of social media networking sites that can connect millions of customers within your computer screen. It will be also better to create a social profile in some popular social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and many others. Majority of the people are engaged in these media.

7. Post-support Services

Selling huge quantity for a time is not the entire goal of your business. But selling for a long period of time and retain customers for long period of time is a most. For that, business companies should provide post-support services or post-sales services to the clients. By providing such services, customers become more loyal towards your services and continue to use your services.

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