
Steps to Organize an Executive Development Programme

Like any learning programme, executive developments also involve a process consisting of certain steps. Though sequencing these various steps in a chronological order is difficult, behavioural scientists have tries to list and sequence them in six steps as shown in figure.
Executive Development Process
  1. Identifying Development Needs: Once the launching of an executive development programme (EDP) is decided, its implementation begins with identifying the developmental needs of the organization concern. For this, first of all, the present and future developmental needs for executive/ managers ascertained by identifying how many and what type of executives will be required in the organization at present and in future. This needs to be seen in the context of organizational as well as individual, i.e. manager needs. While organizational needs may be identified by making organizational analysis in terms of organization’s growth plan, strategies, competitive environment etc. 
  2. Appraisal of Present Managerial Talent: The second step is an appraisal of the present managerial talent for the organization. For this purpose, a qualitative assessment of the existing executives/ managers in the organization is made. Then, the performance of every executive is compared with the standard expected of him
  3. Inventory of Executive Manpower: Based on information gathered from human resource planning, an inventory is prepared to have complete information about each executive in each position. Information on the executive’s age, education, experience, health record, psychological test results, performance appraisal data, etc is collected and the same is maintained on cards and replacement tables. An analysis of such inventory shows the strengths and also discloses the deficiencies and weaknesses of the executives in certain functions relative to the future needs of the concern organization. From this executive inventory, we can begin the fourth step involved in the executive development process.
  4. Developing Development Programme: Having delineated strengths and weaknesses of each executive, the development programmes are tailored to fill in the deficiencies of executives. Such tailor made programmes of development focus on individual needs such as skill development, changing attitudes, and knowledge acquisition.
  5. Conducting Development Programmes: At this stage, the manager actually participates in development programmes. It is worth mentioning that no single development programme can be adequate for all managers. The reason is that each manager has a unique set of physical, intellectual and emotional characteristics. As such, there can be different development programmes to uniquely suit to the needs of an executive/ manager. These development programmes may be on-the-job programmes organized either by the organization itself or by some outside agencies.
  6. Evaluating Developing Programmes: Just as with employee training programme, executive development programme is evaluated to see changes in behavior and executive performance. Evaluation of programme enables to appraise programme’s effective, highlight its weakness and aids to determine whether the development should be continued or how it can be improved.

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