
Selection Test - Recruitment

A test is a systematic procedure for comparing the behavior of two or more person. Individuals differ in many respects including job related abilities and skills. In other to select a right person for the job, individual differences in terms of abilities and skills need to be adequately and accurately measured for comparison. This is done a device called ‘selection test’. Selection test is
advice that uncovers the information about the candidates which are not known through application blank and interview.

The following precautions would be taken while arising selection tests. They are:
1. Achievement Tests: Achievement tests measure a person’s potential in a given area job. In other words, these tests measure what a person can do based on skill or knowledge already acquired by him/her. Achievement tests are usually used for admission to specific course in the academic institutions. In these tests, grades in previous examinations are after used as indicators of achievements and potential for learning.

2. Intelligence tests: Intelligence tests are measure general ability for intellectual performance. The core concept underlying in intelligence test is mental age. It is presumed that with physical age, intelligence also grows. Mental age is generally indexed in terms of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and calculated by using the following formula:
IQ=Mental Age/Actual Age x 100

Intelligence testing in industry is based on the assumptions that if the organization can get bright, alert employees quick at learning, it can train then faster than those who are less well endowed.
3. Personality Tests: These tests are also known as personality inventories. These tests are designed to measure the dimensions of personality i.e. personality trait such as interpersonal competence, dominance-submission, extroversion-intro versions, self-confidence, ability to lead and ambition.

4. Aptitude Tests: Aptitude test measure ability and skills of the test. These tests measure and indicate how well a person would to perform after training and not what he/she has done. Thus, aptitude tests are used to predict the future ability/ performance of a person. There are two objectives of the aptitudes tests. One is advice youth or job seekers regarding field of activities in which they are likely to succeed. This is called vocational guidance. Second to select best performance for jobs they may succeed. This test is called vocational selection.

5. Interest Tests: These tests are discovered a person’s area of interest, and to identify the kind of work that will satisfy him. It is assumed that a person who is interested in a job can do much better than the person who is not interested.

6. Attitude Tests: These tests are designed to know the test’s tendencies towards favouring or otherwise to people, situations, actions and a host of such other things. Attitudes are known from the responses of the tests/ respondents because emotional overtones involved make it difficult to directly observe of measure attitude of the test. Test of social desirability, authoritarianism, study of values, Machiavellianism and employees morale are the well-known examples of attitude tests.

7. Proficiency Tests: A proficiency test is designed to measure the level of knowledge, proficiency or skills already acquired by an individual in a particulars job or occupation. It is also known as performance test or trade test or achievement test or ability test.

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