
Need of Recruitment Policies, Types of Interview

The success or failure largely depends upon the ability and efficiency of the employees. Recruitment policy should be very sound so that capable and efficient employees are hired only. Therefore, organizations need sound requirement policies because of the following reasons:
  • Higher posts must be filled through promotions so far as possible. 
  • No such assurance should be given at the time of recruitment which may not be followed later on.
  • The selection of employees must be strictly in accordance with the merit.
  • The qualification, experience, terms of services, salaries etc. must be determined well in advance.
  • New posts must be authorized by a higher officer.
  • The number of employees to be recruited must be determined will in advance according to the need of enterprise.

Need to Practice Formal Selection Process

There is no denying of the fact that it is people only working in the organizations that make all the difference. Hence, choosing the right person for the job is critical to the organization’s success. Faulty selection or choice can have a far-reaching impact on the organizational functioning and performance. Wrong or inappropriate selection is not welcome because it
proves costly to the organization, demoralizes the employees put in the wrong job and also demotivates to the rest of the work force.

To be more specific, the following points highlights, why organization needs formal selection process.
  1. For selecting an employee in a non-discriminates way.
  2. Selection process should be based on scientific selection methods.
  3. Selection principles should be based on right man in right place.
  4. According to the needs of organization, people should be acquired on the basis of knowledge, skill and commitment.
  5. To increase the productivity of employees.
  6. To maintain the sound relationship between employees and employee.
  7. Finally to minimize the probable conflicts between individual, groups and entire organization.

Types of Interviews

Four types of interviews for selection have been identified. These are:
  1. Preliminary Interview: The interviews conducted to screen the applicants to decide whether further detailed interview will be required are called preliminary interviews. The candidate is given freedom by giving job details during the interview to decide whether the job will suit him. One of the drawback associated with the preliminary interview is that it might lead to the elimination of many desirable candidates in case interviewers do not have much and proper experience in evaluating candidates. The positive argument, if any, for this method is that it saves time and money for the company.
  2. Patterned Interview: In this interview, the pattern of the interview is decided in advance. What kind of information is to be sought or given, how the interview is to be conducted, and how much time is to be allotted to it, all these are worked out in advance. In case interviewee drifts, he/she is swiftly guided back to the structured questions. Such interviews are also called standardized interviews.
  3. Depth Interview: As the term itself implies, depth interview tries to portray the interviewee in depth and detail. It, accordingly, covers the life history of the applicant along with his/her work experience, academic qualifications, health, attitude, interest, and hobbies. This method is particularly suitable for executive selection. Expectedly, depth interview involves more time and money in conducting it.
  4. Stress Interview: Such interviews are conducted for the jobs which are to be performed under stressful conditions. The objective of stress interview is to make deliberate attempts to create stressful or strained conditions for the interviewee to observe how the applicant behaves under stressful conditions. The common methods used to induce stress include frequent interruptions, keeping silent for an extended period of time, asking too many questions at a time, making derogatory remarks about the candidate, accusing him that he is lying and so on. The purpose is to observe how the candidate behaves under the stressful conditions whether he looses his temper, gets confused or frightened.
However, stress-inducing must be done very carefully by trained and skilled interviewer otherwise it may result in dangers. Emotionally charged candidates must not be subjected to further stressful conditions. The candidate should be given sufficient chance to cope with such induced stress before he leaves.

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