
Major issues in designing training programs

Training design affects the effectiveness of training program. Before conducting the training, there are various things to be analyzed and the arrangements are to be managed effectively. So, predetermining the forms of training and shaping the training related plan is training design. Training designs are means of attaining desired objectives
set for a training programmes. In practice, a variety of training methods are employed for achieving these objectives. But, an organizations cannot be used all types of training methods are the reasons like cost involved and also their relevance to organizational needs.

Hence, organization needs to select a methods or mix of methods to meet its training needs. The choice of training methods would depend on a variety of factors, such as purpose of training, nature of contents, relevance to the participants, level of trainees, competence of trainers/ instructors cost, etc.

Training is concerned with enhancing the knowledge and skills of employees in the present job. It should be properly designed. The key issues in designing training programmes are:

  1. Goals and Scope: The goals and scope of the training present a key design issue. What goals should the training programmes achieve? What level of employees should be included? 
    1. What types of skills i.e. technical, human, conceptual should be included?
    2. What type of training needs should be fulfilled?
    3. Should the training focus on increasing skills or aim at personal growth of the employee?
  2. Structure: The structure of training is also a key issue in training design.
    1. What should be the mix of theory and practice?
    2. Should training be adapted to specific problem?
    3. Should training tackle simple to complex task?
  3. Principles of Learning: The principle of learning to be adopted for training also pose key issue
    1. Should training be teacher centered or student centred?
    2. How can training be transferred to job?
    3. How to motivate the learners?
    4. How could training provide practicing opportunities?
  4. Curriculum/ training material: The curriculum of training also poses a key issue for training design.
    1. How should the curriculum be designed for new the keep it up-to-date?
    2. Should the curriculum be divided in modules?
    3. How should the curriculum be delivered?
    4. What geographical area should be covered?
  5. Duration: The duration is also key design issue for training.
    1. Should the training be one-shot affair or continuous process?
    2. Can training be staggered so that employees can take it in various modules at various level times?
  6. Responsibility for Training: The responsibility for training should be clearly defined:
    1. Top management should approve training plans, programmes and budget.
    2. The HRM department should design and implement training plans and programmes.
    3. Other departments should facilitate and support training programmes by deputing trainees and trainers.
  7. Finance: Finance is considered as lifeblood of every organization. Without adequacy of finance, organizational goals cannot be achieved. Therefore, financial aspects are on important issue in training design
    1. What should be the basis for allocating budget for training?
    2. Should trainee get extra allowances and incentives for attending training programmes?
    3. Should trainee pay for training?
    4. How could training be made more cost effective?
    5. How could training be made sustainable?

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