
Human resource planning systematically forecasts an organization’s future supply of, and demand for employees

Human resource planning systematically forecasts an organization’s future supply of, and demand for employees. As a human resource manager of an organization, the following methods and techniques would be followed in determining human resources requirements.

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In simple words, HRP is a process of sticking balance between human resources required and acquired in an organization. In other words, HRP is a process by which an organization determines how it should acquire its desired manpower to achieve the organizational goal. Thus, HRP helps an organization have the right number and kind of people at the right place and right number times to successfully achieve its overall objectives. The quality of an organization is, to a large degree, considered merely the summation of the quality of people it hires and keeps. Therefore, before actually selecting the right people for right jobs, it becomes a pre-requisite to decide on the quantity and quality of people required in the organization. This is done through human resource planning.

Requirements for Effective HRP

Human resource planning is the process of predetermining human resource needs and choosing human resource actions to satisfy those needs. In order to make HRP more effective, the following elements should be taken into consideration or the following elements are required.

1. Formulation of business plan and their integration with HRP

First of all in order to meet the organizational goal, business plan should be formulated. After formulating business plan, planning about human resource should be done. Then after there should be integration between business plan and HRP.

2. Manpower Forecasting

On the basis of received information from job analysis, what is the real requirement of the job should be identified and on its basis manpower be forecasted using different techniques.

3. Top Management Support

HRM affects all types of organizational activities. Top management should extend total support to human resource planning. HRP should form an integral part of their personal and managerial philosophy.

4. Developing Manpower

Human resource planning is a professional job. People responsible for planning in human resource department should posses planning skilled. Continuous training and development should upgrade their skills.

5. Information System

An effective human resource information system (HRIS) should be established to provide up-to-date information about employees and jobs. It should contain the following data.
  • Personal data: Employee’s personal factors
  • Skills data: Employee’s education, training, capabilities etc.
  • Position data: Occupational history of the employee.
  • Compensation data: Data about remuneration of employee.
  • Job data: Employee’s job description and job specification etc.

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