
Role Information System Occupies in HRP

Role Information System Occupies in HRP

Role of information system in HRP (Human Resource Planning) can be listed out as follows:
  1. Human Resource Inventory Role: Human resource information systems help in preparing human resource inventory by providing the following information. 
    1. Number of current employees by department, skills, service, level, age, etc.
    2. Number of employee, joining and leaving with reasons for leaving
    3. Labour turnover rates
    4. Sickness and absenteeism rate
    5. Salary bills including overtime, payer bills including overtime payments etc.
  2. Human Resource Forecast Role: Human Resource information system helps to forecast human resource demand and supply. Various statistical and mathematical forecasting tools require information to be use. They can be
    1. Statistical tool e.g. trend analysis
    2. Mathematical tools
    3. Econometric tools
    4. Markov analysis etc.
  3. Human Resource Development Role: Human Resource information system helps to identify person training, development promotion or transfer etc. It can be also used for succession planning and careers planning.
  4. Job Analysis Role: Job analysis is the systematic investigation of job content. It provides information about jobs currently being done. It defines the jobs and behavior necessary to perform those jobs. It is the framework on which all human resource management activities are based. The information obtained from job analysis is helpful for job description and job specification.

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