
Rising Interest of HRM

Rising Interest of HRM

Today, environment is changing rapidly. Changes have made the role of HRM more crucial in changing environment. To achieve organizational goal requires committed and competent manpower. They are the outcome of effective and efficient human resource management. Since 1990s, the interest in human resource management has been rising. Specially, the following factors responsible for the rising interest in HRM are:
  1. Work Force Diversity: Diversity means different. In the context of HRM, different regards in the sense of sex, color, age, culture, religion and language etc. today composition of work force has been quite diversified. The involvement of people from different culture, need, race, religion, sex, age are increasing day by day. All over Europe, western countries and including Nepal, environment of women in organization are sharply increasing. Different people have different need and interest. They have different perception, experience learning habits, personality etc. to understand the need of different people, to manage different people, to develop the feeling of team work, HRM plays the vital role through its activities. It is a most significant task done by HRM which other management cannot perform.
  2. Technological change: Technology is changing rapidly. With scientific movement, new technologies were developed. Human resource in organization need to require new competencies to cope with the rapid technology change, which helps in increasing productivity. To increase productivity, an efficient utilization of technology skillful manpower is required. The need is growing for computer and information technologies are considered as friendly human resources. This all necessities have increased the interest in HRM.
  3. Globalization: There’s no doubt that the world of work as we know, it is rapidly changing. Even as little as fifteen years ago, the time was calmer than they are today. Globalization has led to operations in several countries. The human resources in organizations have also assumed global dimensions. Globalization of markets and manufacturing has vastly increased international competition. In global competition, some firms are doing well others are failed. HRM policies and practices need to be adapted to varying socio cultural forces to carryout hot country operation. This has led to rising interest in HRM.
  4. Increasing competitions: Today most of organizations are facing both internal and external competition. As part of an organization then, HRM must be prepared to deal with the effects of the changing world of work. For them, this means understanding the implications of globalization, technological changes, work force diversity, changing skill requirement continuous improvement initiatives, the contingent work force, decentralized work sites, and employee involvement.
  5. Changes in nature of works: Technological and globalization trend has changed the nature of jobs and work. Technological changes including fax machine, internet, and personal computers have allowed companies to reallocate operations to location with lower wage.
  6. Others: There are other changes also shaping human resource management. Many laws are passed to limit manager’s action and to protect the interest of workforce. Equal employment opportunity, mandated health benefit, union management relation law etc. manager has to deal frequently with the help of HRM. Due to this, the interest of almost all managers is increasing in HRM.

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