
Effect of Social and Technological Environments in Nepalese Organization

Effect of Social and Technological Environments in Nepalese Organization

Technology is the most dynamics of all the environmental forces with which the organization must interact. It requires the organization to remain aware of relevant advancements in the state of the art and continually to consider whether they apply to the organization’s current mix of goods and services and to those under development.
Of all the environment forces, technology is the most likely to penetrate the permeable boundaries of the organization and to effect a change in the technical system. Changes in technology can be sudden and dramatic. New technologies can change the very process of management, as the increasing use of computers for information handling problem solving, and decision making.

Human perception limits the ability of management and the professional group in high technology organizations to interpreter the meaning of technology change for the technical systems in their organizations. The dynamic nature of technology makes it very difficult for management and the professional group to comprehend the meaning of scientific breakthrough and to determine their direction and momentum. As a general rule, the more complex the technology, the more dynamic the environment texture within which the organization must operate.

Another environmental aggregates that expert a significant influence on formal organizations is the social system. Managers must be mindful of and responsive to the environmental forces of the social system. Uneven distribution of resources to different sectors of the society harbors the seeds of conflict between the organizations and the various groups that compose society. The part of the population that is relatively affluent and well educated demands more that an economic livelihood and those emerging from deprivation and disadvantages will make their social demands felt through pressure.

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