
Various kinds of Reactions of People for the Organizational Change

Various kinds of Reactions of People for the Organizational Change
Different people react differently for a given change depending upon their attitude. The perception of the individual about the change may lead to one of the following reaction.
  1. Acceptance: If the employee perceives that the change is largely beneficial to him and he is capable of adjusting himself to the change without any overwhelming scarifies, he accepts the change. His attitude is positive and he looks enthusiastic, supportive and cooperative towards the change. 
  2. Resistance: If the employee feels that the change will affect him adversely and he will not be able to adjust it or the change requires extraordinary personal effect or sacrifice on his part, he starts opposing the change through active protests, sabotaging or committing unwanted activities. His attitude becomes negative. He looks worried, afraid and may become non co-operative or vindicate.
  3. Tolerance: If the employee perceives that the change is neither very much beneficial nor poses nay danger, he becomes indifferent and tolerates the change without offering any resistance. 
  4. Rejection: If he finds that the change may result in serious losses (i.e. loss of job, demotion, abdication of power, etc.) without expectation of any gain in return, he totally rejects the change and fights it back to tooth and nail. The response to a change may range from complete acceptance to the active resistance and complete rejection of the change.

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