
The major challenges that the mangers are likely to confront with

The major challenges that the mangers are likely to confront with
Over the years, dramatic changes are taking place in organizations. Although, the field of OB (Organizational Behavior) has been around the past three decades, there are a few dramatically challenges taking place as we have entered the twenty-first century. The business and organization’s environment is changing drastically and the role of manger to maintain organization behavior has become absolutely complete task. For the small instance what is seen that people migration and global mobility of manpower has created cross culture in multinationals, the national and regional political and economic environment is providing the pressure to managers to adjust such changes, labor relations and the role with the influence of trade unions are changing rapidly. Under such circumstances, manager required to think seriously in some major challenges/ issues. Such confronting managers for which OB offers solutions or at least some meaningful insights towards solutions.

Ever Expanding Globalization
By now, the whole world has become a global village. Business has crossed the national boundaries and thus, has become global, popularly known as multinational business. This has made managing men more complex globalization of business poses at least two major challenges for manager.

First, in case of multinational companies, the mangers are frequently transferred to other countries. In a new country, the managers have to manage a workforce that is very different in needs, aspirations, and attitudes from the ones they were used to back in the former country.

Second, even in their own country, the mangers have to work with superiors, subordinates, and peers who were born and brought up in a different culture. The manager’s problem, then is what motivates them may not motivate others, i.e. superiors, subordinates, and peers. For example, the manager may like to adopt an open and straight forward communication style, but the subordinates may find the same style as threatening and uncomfortable. In order to manage these people effectively, the managers need to understand their varying culture accurately and know how it has shaped as such and then learn to adapt the management styles accordingly. In such, the managers need to modify their practices to face the challenges before them.

Work- force Diversity
Work-force diversity can be defined as the situation that exists when members of a group or organization differ from each other in terms of age, gender, race, ethnicity, and education. When workers join organizations, they come with their differing cultural values and lifestyle preferences. Therefore, the challenge for organizations is to make them accommodating to diverse groups of people at work place by addressing
their different lifestyles, cultural moorings, family needs and work styles. Managing people through melting pot assumption was a fact till the other day. Now, it is being replaced by one that recognizes and values differences among workers in organizations. If diversity is managed properly, it can increase creativity and innovations. On the contrary, diversity, if not managed properly, can result in higher turnover, heightened inter-personal conflict and ineffective communication.

Towards Improving Quality
Yet another major challenge before today’s managers have to face is offering of quality products and services to the customers. This is because the delivery of quality products and services to the customers has a direct impact on the success of organizations. The ever increasing concern for quality products and success of organizations. The ever increasing concern for quality products and services has given genesis to today’s buzzword ‘Total Quality Management (TQM)’. TQM is different things to different people and has been both ‘cussed’ and discussed in the management literature and the actual practice of attainment of customer satisfaction through the continuous improvement of all organizational processes. There is no denying of the fact that price, brand, loyalty, attractive design and technical innovations are still important to consumers in developing and developed countries yet the quality of product has surged ahead in relative importance. Similarly, the delivery of quality services in the ever exploding service sector has become very critical. The challenge for managers across the world is, therefore have human resources to deliver quality to products and services to the customers and clients.

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