
Functions of HRM (Human Resource Management)

Functions of HRM (Human Resource Management)

1. The staffing function: Although recruiting is frequently perceived as the initial step in the staffing function, there are a number of prerequisites. Specifically, when a company plans strategically, it determines its goals and objectives for a given period of time. These goals and objectives often result is structural changes being made in organization. Once an application has come in, it is time to begin the selection phase. Selection too has a dual focus. It attempts to think out the large set of applications that arrived during the recruiting phase and to select an applicant who will be successful on the job. To achieve this goal, many companies use a variety of steps to assess the applicants. The candidate who successfully completed all steps is typically offered the job, but that is only half of equation. HRM must also ensure that the good prospects accept the job offer, if made accordingly; HRM must communicate a variety of information to the applicant, such as the organization culture, what are expected of employees and any other information that pertinent to the candidates decision making process.

Once the selection process is completed, the staffing function has come to an end. The goals, then of the staffing function are to locate competent employees and get them into organization when this goal has been reached, it is time for HRM to begin focusing its attention on the employee’s training and development.

2. The training and development function: Whenever HRM embarks on the hiring process, it attempts to search and secure a candidate whom we labeled as the “best” possible candidate. And while HRM professionals pride themselves on being able to determine those who are qualified versus those who are not, the fact remains that few, if any, new employees can truly come into an organization and immediately becomes fully functioning, 100% performers. First employees need to adapt to their new surrounding, socialization is a means of bringing about. This adoption while it may begin informally in the late stages of the hiring process. During this time, the focus is to orient the new employee to the rules, regulations and goals of the organization, department, and work unit. Thus, as the employee becomes more comfortable with his or her surrounding, more intense training can occur.
Reflection over the past few decades tell us that, depending on the job, employees often take a number of months to adjust to their new organization and jobs. Does that imply that HRM has not hired properly or the staffing function goals were not met? On the contrary, it indicates and peculiarities involved in each organization’s positions result in jobs being tailored to adequately meet organizational needs.
Accordingly, HRM plays an important to note that employee and career development is more employees centered.

At the conclusion of the training and development function, HRM attempts to reach the goals of having competent, adapted employees who possess the up-to-date skill, knowledge, and abilities needed to perform their current jobs are more successfully.

3. The motivation function: The motivation function is one of the most important yet probably the least understood aspect of the HRM process. Why?
Simply because human behavior is complex trying to figure out what motivates various employees has been a concern of behavioral science. First of all, one must begin to think of motivation as a multifaceted process-one that has individual, managerial and organizational implications. Motivation is not just what the employee exhibits, but also a collection of environment issues surrounding the job. It has been proposed that one’s performance in an organization is a function of two factors ability and willingness to do the jobs. Thus, from a performance perspective, employees need to have the appropriate skills and abilities to adequately do the job.

Motivating employees also requires a level of respect between “management” and “workers”. This respect can be seen as involving employees in decisions that affect them listening to employees and implementing their suggestions where appropriate. The next step is to understand the implications of motivational theories. Some motivational theories are well known by most practicing managers. Performance standards for each employee must also be set managers must be sure that the performance evaluation system is designed to provide feedback to employees regarding their past performance while simultaneously addressing any performance weaknesses the employee may have. A link should be established between employee compensation and performance.

Throughout the activities required in the motivation function, the efforts all focus on one primary goal: to have those competent and adapted employees, with up-to-date skills, knowledge, and abilities, exerting high energy levels. Once that are achieved, it is time turn the HRM focus to the maintenance function.

4. The maintenance function: This is the last phase of the HRM process. The objectives of this phase are to put into place activities that will help retain productive employees. HRM must work to ensure that the working environment is safe and healthy: caring for employees’ well being has a major effect on their commitment. HRM must also realize that nay problem an employee focus in his or her personal life will ultimately be brought into workplace. Employee assistance programs, such as programs that help individuals deal with stressful life situations, are needed. Such programs provide many benefits to the organization while simultaneously helping the affected employee. In addition to protecting employees’ welfare, it is necessary for HRM to operate appropriate communication programs in the organization. Including in such programs is the ability for employees to know what is occurring around them and vent frustrations. Employee relations programs should be designed to ensure that employees are kept well informed through email, net, bulletin boards, town hall meeting, or teleconferencing and to foster an environment where employee voices are heard. If time and effort are expended in this phase, HRM may be able to achieve its ultimate goal of having competent employees, who have adapted to the organization’s culture, with up-to-date skills, knowledge and abilities, who exert high energy level, who are now willing to maintain their commitment and loyalty to the company. This process is difficult to implement and maintain, but the rewards should be such that the effort placed in such endeavours are warranted.

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