
Groups in conflict Behave

Organizations are composed of individual and groups. Organization being a system, both individuals and groups cannot remain independent but dependent on each other. Conflict arises out of inconsistency. Inconsistency in different matters among groups in an organization creates inter-group conflicts. One union vs. another union, one functional groups like production vs. another functional group like marketing are the examples of group conflicts or inter-group conflicts. The inter-group conflicts usually arise when (i) there is a felt need among groups for a joint decision making (ii) there is differentiation in goals of the groups and (iii) there is differentiation in perceptions of reality by the groups.
Strategies for Managing Inter-Group Conflict
During inter-group conflict, the following strategies can be used.
  1. Contracting: An agreement is negotiated between two groups. It is of "quid pro quo" (this for that) nature. Each group makes some concessions.
  2. Co-opting: One group give some of its leadership positions to members of other group or includes them as committee members. Bank representatives and client company's board of directors is an example of co-opting.
  3. Coalition forming: Two or more group cooperative or combine resources. Member groups cooperate with each other to compete with non-member groups.
  4. Influencing decision criteria: Groups influence the criteria selected for resource allocation. Such criterion is advantages to such groups.
  5. Information control: Group exerts control on important information. Gaining exclusive accesses to sensitive information increase power.
  6. Pressure tactics: Groups uses pressure tactics to force other groups to give in. For example, unions threaten strike and management threatens lock-out as pressure tactics.

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