
Concept of Communication Networks

Communication network can be defined as the channel through which information flow. Different parts of organization are linked together through communication network. Just for a simple example INTERPOL i.e. International Police Organization has its network in worldwide to capture terrorist.

In the case of management, there are five common communication networks which are as follows:

1. Chain:

Chain network of communication is one in which communication flows along the chain of command. In other words, it is a pattern of communication network in which a person can communicate with immediate superior and subordinate. It is usually two-way communication from top to bottom and bottom to top of the hierarchy of management. Hierarchy of authority and responsibility is clearly defined among the group or team members.

In this communication network, one person transmits information to another as per the chain in the organizational hierarchy. For example, the president informs the vice-president who then passes on the information to the head of the department and so on. 

President --> Vice President --> Department Head Managers --> Unit In-charge --> Supervisor --> Layman 

2. Wheel or Star:

Wheel or star communication network refers to a network in which the members of an organization usually do not communicate directly with each other. In other words, it is a pattern of communication network in which a single person is made responsible in transmitting information to the other member. It is a centralized type of communication network. Here, the group idea is probably the main source of communication. In this network, a single person is given full responsibility to flow the information.

Here one personal (supervisor for instance) can communicate with (say) four subordinates, but the subordinates do not communicate with each other. 

wheel or star network

3. Circle:

Circular network of communication is one in which communication moves in circular way. In this network, each individual can communicate with the person on his immediate right or left but not with any other person in the organization or group. In other words, it is a pattern of communication network where information pass in a circle i.e., each person can pass the information to his/her adjoin two persons.

4. All- Channel:

It is also called as free-flow or decentralized network. Free-flow network is one in which lines of communication are not structured. Every members of the group can communicate freely and frankly with all other members of the group. Here, each of the member has right to communicate with any other person of the group. There is no any restriction and boundaries for him to communicate or pass the information. The group leader doesn't hold excessive power in this type of communication. It is more doubtful as anyone can have any kind of information at any time.

5. Inverted Y:

It is the pattern of communication network in which leader communicates to the person close to him. It is slightly less centralized type of communication network as two persons are closer to the center of the network.

Here, two people report to a boss, who has two levels above and the communication shown in the pattern shown in figure below: 

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