
Quality Circle (QC)

Quality Circle (QC)
The concept of quality circle (QC) originally emerged from Japan. Quality circle is a work group of employees who meet regularly to discuss their quality problems, investigate causes, recommend solutions, and take corrective measure. QC is a small group of employees who work voluntarily on company time, to address work related problems such as quality control, cost reduction, production planning and techniques, and even product design.
Quality circle is used to achieve the following objectives:
  • Improvement in quality of product manufactured by the organization. 
  • Improvement in methods of production and productivity.
  • Development of employees participating in QC.
  • Promoting morale of employees.
  • Respect humanity and create a happy workplace worthwhile to work.
Problem in Implementations and Their Solution
Though QC concepts have many positive points, it has failed miserably in many organizations due to certain problems and pitfalls. Following are some major problems of QC implementation and their suggested remedies.
  1. Negative Attitudes: Both employees and managers having negative attitudes towards QC often resist its implementation. Managers feel that QC dilutes their authority and importance in the organization. This negative attitude can be dispelled by imparting appropriate training to employees as well as managers about the real concept and contribution of QC. 
  2. Lack of Ability: The workers are characterized by their low level of education and lack of leadership abilities. This problem can be overcome by initiating workers education programme.
  3. Lack of Management Commitment: Lack of management commitment towards QC is demonstrated by not permitting the members to hold QC meeting during the working hours. Therefore, the top management should permit workers to hold QC meetings periodically during the working hours and should also extend all required and timely assistance for the smooth functioning of QC.
  4. Non-Implementation of Suggestions: The members of the QC feel disheartened in case of their suggestions are not accepted and implemented without convincing reasons. Instead, the suggestions rendered by QC should be given due consideration and weightage and should be implemented. This will enthuse the members of the QC to improve quality of their goods and services. QC benefits both organization and workers.

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