
Techniques to Combat Emerging Issues of Motivation

Better performance of job is possible only when, all employee show higher degree of willingness to do a particular job. There is hard to believe that people are highly satisfied with their job. For the betterment of organization and employee as ell, there numbers of tool and techniques of motivating people at work to enhance performance. However, the important techniques are as follow: 
  1. Motivation through compensation/ rewards: Compensation is a broad term which includes pay and benefits such as insurance, retirement saving, paid time off from work. It represents the total package of rewards- both monetary and non-monetary. From another perspectives, ti can be extrinsic or intrinsic. The rewards granted to the individual by organization are extrinsic rewards where s the rewards which are self-generated or felt internally are the intrinsic rewards. Money, fringe benefits, promotion, status, and a sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, self-actualization etc are the examples of intrinsic rewards. It should be noted that, whether the rewards is intrinsic or extrinsic, it leads to high motivation and the leads better performance of job. 
  2. Motivation through employee participation: Organization is now considered as social institution. The management and employees have equal interest to the survival and prosperity of an organization. Employees can be motivated by ensuring their participation in decision making. They should be provided decision making authority in their areas of concern. It enhances employee to improve morale and team work which encourage employee to accept change and responsibility.
  3. Motivation through quality of work life (QWL): QWL is considered a philosophy as it is guided in a strong humanistic value. It is concerned with the quality of relationship between employees and the total working environment of the organization. QWL is the creation of environment where an employee can feel that his/her job is secured, s/he is satisfied with the job done and develops knowledge, skill and capable of meeting at least the basic financial obligation through working.
  4. Motivation through appropriate job design/ redesign: Beyond money and the different forms of financial rewards, there are other non-financial factors that strongly motivate employees at work. Some of the main techniques of motivating people through appropriate job design/ redesign include:
    • Job rotation: It is the process of motivating employees by moving them from one job to another for a short period of time. With a view to save employees from boredom and frustration caused by similar and repetitive jobs for a long time period, this type of job arrangement is useful to diversity activities for a certain time. However, job rotation does not expand the individual duties and responsibilities, rather it creates flexible working environment.
    • Job enlargement: This is the process of horizontal loading of the same nature of job into one job. This is done either by combining, two or more jobs into or by adding two or more takes to an existing job. Job enlargement will increases work efficiency and flexibility.
    • Job enrichment: Job enrichment refers to the vertical enlargement of a job by adding more responsibility and opportunity for personal growth. It is concerned with designing job that includes a greater variety of work content, require a higher level of knowledge and skill give worker more autonomy and responsibility. This will enhance employee commitment and satisfaction. Individual who have needs for personal power, achievement and goal setting can be more satisfied through applying this motivational approach of job design.

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