
Reasons of Awareness of Information Groups

Manager should be aware of informal groups in regards to both positive and negative aspects. The rational manager should always focus on negative side than positive because negative aspects of informal groups are more danger and create problems to entire organization. The following points clear negative aspects of informal groups.
  • Informal group can have unfair views to the management.
  • Unnecessary politics may arise in organization.
  • Informal groups may end at any time.
  • Informal group may not have best leadership to energizes and synergize the work efficiency.
  • Informal groups can create the ethical confusion in organization as views are interacted to produce contrast views.
  • Informal group sometimes is translated in organizational activities.
Element of Group Cohesiveness

Group cohesion means the degree to which the group members are attracted to each other and remain within the group. It is usually reflected by its resiliency to disruption by outside forces. Group cohesion develops out of the activities, interactions, and sentiments of the members.

The element or factors affecting group cohesion are as follows:
  1. Group Size: One of the important and necessary conditions for the existence of the group is that members interact and communicative with each other. If the group is so large that members do not get to know each others, there is little likelihood that the group will be high in cohesiveness. This is a logical assumption that would be made by those who understand the difficulties of communicating in large groups. Research studies have found that inverse relationship does not exist between the size of the group and the group cohesive. As the size of a group increases, its cohesiveness decreases. 
  2. Member Similarity: The degree of cohesiveness will be high when group members are similar in age, backgrounds and values. In other words, homogeneous groups will be more cohesive than heterogeneous group. It is because of more trust and less conflict among the group members with homogeneous character.
  3. Member Interaction: When member interact frequently, there tends to be more group of cohesive because they got chance to share ideas and views in order to avoid the situation of misunderstanding and conflict.
  4. Groups Success: a successful group tends to be more cohesive than a group of repetitive failure records. Group members of the succession group believe that, because of their successive records in the past, they will remain successful in the future too.

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