
Introduction of Quality Circle in an organization

Introduction of Quality Circle in an organization
Like any organizational change, QC being a new concept is most likely be opposed by the employees. Therefore, QC should be introduced with great concern and precaution as discussed below:
  1. Publicizing the Idea of QC: Implementation of QC is just like an organizational change programme. Hence, like an organizational change programme, the workers need to be convinced about the need for and significance of QC from the point of view of the organization and the workers. Participation in QC being voluntary, its publicity among the workers is necessary. To begin with, management can also arrange for initial training to some workers who want to form quality circles. 
  2. Constitution of Quality Circles: Workers doing similar type of work are drawn voluntarily to constitute quality circles. The membership of a QC should be limited to ten to twelve members.
  3. Initial Problem Solving: The members of the QC should discuss the problem a threadbare and prepare a list of alternative solutions. Each alternative solution should be evaluated and final solution should be arrived at on the basis of consensus.
  4. Presentation and Approval of Suggestions: The final solution arrived at should be presented to the management either in oral or in written form. The management may evaluate the solution by forming a committee for this purpose. The committee may also meet the members of the quality circle for clarifications. Presentation of solutions to the management helps improve the communication between management and workers and reflects management's interest to the members of QC.
  5. Implementation: Once the suggestion/ solution is approved by the management, the same is being put into practice in a particular workplace. Quality circles may be organized gradually for other workplaces or departments also. Thus, following this process, the entire organization can have quality circles.

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