
Group Structure

Every group has structure, which shape the behavior of members and makes explain and predict the large portion of individual behavior within the group and performance of the group.

A group structure includes following variables.
1. Formal Leadership: Almost every groups has a formal leader e.g. manager, supervisor/ foreman.

2. Roles: Roles deal with what people do. As set of expected behavior pattern attributed to someone occupying a given position in asocial unit. People have the ability to shift roles rapidly when they recognize that the situation and its demand clearly require major changes.
    • Role Identity: These are certain attitudes and actual behavior consistent with a role and they create role identity.
    • Role Perception: An individual's view of how he is supposed to act in a given situations.
    • Role Expectations: How others believe a person should act in a given situation.
3. Norms: The norms are accepted standard of behavior shared by group members. It tells, what should or should not do by group members. Every group has established their norms. But norms differ from group to group. Norms influence the behavior of group members. They are 'ought' of behavior.

4. Authority: Group is formed to achieve a particular objective. In a group, that is a leader and follower. Leader is an entitled to decision, while the follower has to follow the decision. Thus the power to make decision into action is known as authority.

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