
Quality and Total Quality Management, Tools and Techniques for TQM

Concept of Quality

Quality is an important aspect for any organization. Government, non-government and private sector organizations consider the quality of goods or services as a prerequisite for achieving their stated objectives. The uniqueness of goods and services that give satisfaction to the consumers or service recipients. 

Quality is progressively focused on the production of good goods and services at more competitive prices. Quality is the totality of features and characteristics inherent in a product or service that has the potential to satisfy a specified or implied need. The quality of a good or service is assured compared to other goods or services. In this sense, quality can be both good and bad, but overall quality is considered to be the good features and characteristics of a good or service. Quality plays a crucial role in the marketing of goods and services. There is a close relationship between the quality of the goods and services and the satisfaction of the consumer or the customer. Similarly, if the quality of goods or services of the concerned organization is good, it will directly help the organization to achieve the expected achievements.

Dimensions of Quality

The dimensions mentioned by David A. Garvin regarding quality are as follows:
  1. Performance: - The performance level of a goods or service determines the quality. For example, the clarity of the picture on the television, the clarity of the sound on the radio, etc., ensures the level of performance.
  2. Features: - Features inherent in goods or services also contribute to quality. Such as - disc brakes on motorbikes, automatic arrangements, etc.
  3. Reliability: - Trust and reputation towards the goods or services also helps to ensure quality.
  4. Conformance: - The uniformity or similarity established in the structure, texture, etc. of the goods or services determines the quality of the goods or services.
  5. Durability: - Quality is determined on the basis of durability and sales of a goods or services in the market.
  6. Service ability: - If the goods or services can be used through proper repair and maintenance, such goods or services are considered quality.
  7. Aesthetics: - Goods and services that can attract more consumers are also tends to be good quality.
  8. Perceived quality: - In relation to goods or services, the quality should be maintained as expected by the customer, consumer or service recipient and such customers should also have experienced the quality.

Importance of Quality

Quality is considered extremely important for any organization. It is only possible to satisfy the consumers or the service recipients only if the quality of the goods or services provided by the government, non-government and private sector organizations is good. Some of the importance of the quality are:
  • Competition
  • Productivity
  • Cost
  • Support to marketing
  • Reliability etc.

Factors Affecting Quality

The factors that affect the quality of goods or services produced by any organization are as follows: -
  1. Human Resources: - Maintaining the quality of goods or services depends on the qualifications and efficiency of the employees working in the organization. It is only possible to increase the quality of goods or services if performance of employees are high.
  2. Institutional Commitment: - It is necessary to have strong commitment from the management and employees of the organization to maintain the desired quality of their goods or services. Organizational culture should also be quality oriented.
  3. Materials: - Goods used in the flow of goods and services also affect the quality determination. Therefore, it is important to use good quality materials.
  4. Machines and equipment: - The quality of the machines and tools used in the production of goods and services is also affected by the use of new ones instead of the old ones.
  5. Procedures and technology: - The quality of goods or services can be determined by the use of appropriate procedures and good mechanical technology.
  6. New Innovation: - Innovative activities such as research, development and analysis have an impact on determining the quality of goods or services.
  7. Standards: - Standards can maintain the desired quality.
  8. Control system: - Positive control system can also achieve the desired quality.

It seems possible to achieve quality if used in such a way that positive results come from the above elements.

Similarly, in order to achieve quality, the following points can also be considered. Such as;
  • Continuity of objectives for improvement
  • Adoption of new philosophy
  • Information and statistical evidence
  • Clear recognition of quality
  • Improvement in every working system
  • Improvement of work training
  • Institutional leadership development
  • Overcoming fears
  • Eliminating barriers
  • Modern management structure
  • Customer / service recipients
  • Demand addressing
  • Fast and quality service flow etc.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

The concept of TQM, formulated by American scholar Edward Deming, was applied in Japan in 1965, in the United States in 1980, and in the United Kingdom in 1985. According to the concept of TQM, quality is the factor of overall development of the organization. TQM emphasizes continuous improvement methods, participatory management and team work. 

Total quality management (TQM) is a way of managing to improve the effectiveness, flexibility and competitiveness of a business as a whole. It involves whole companies getting organized in each department, each activity, and each person, at each level. For an organization to be truly effective, every single part of it must work properly together, because every person and every activity affects and in turn is affected by others. It is in this way that Japanese companies have become so competitive and so successful.

Total quality management is also a method of removing waste, by involving everyone in improving the way things are done. TQM must be applied throughout an organization so that people from different department, with different priorities and abilities, communicate with and help each other. The method is useful in finance, design, research and development, purchasing, personnel and production/ operation.

Total quality management (TQM) is a management method used to maintain and enhance the quality of goods and services. It is also a management philosophy that constantly helps to improve the quality of the product or service provided to satisfy the customer, consumer or service recipients. TQM is the commitment of the top management and the diligence of the staff to continuously improve the quality of goods and services provided by the organization. Reducing errors in production and distribution is also a way to continuously improve quality. Quality service delivery is seen as a strategy of the organization. The goal of TQM is the complete satisfaction of the customer or service recipient.

TQM is an organizational approach that continuously improves the quality of all processes, goods and services of the organization. Similarly, TQM is a tool or method to enhance customer satisfaction through continuous customer support. It is also a method of achieving high quality products or services through continuous improvement. 

Features of Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • The top management is fully committed to maintain the required quality in the goods and services that are produced and processed by the concerned organization.
  • Quality is given an important place in the strategic plan of the organization.
  • Quality management work is adopted as a continuous practice.
  • During TQM, attention is paid to the overall development of the organization.
  • Quality is enhanced by making effective and maximum use of resources. Also improved materials are used.
  • Participatory concept is implemented for TQM.
  • Continuous improved by measuring the existing quality.
  • The highest satisfaction of customer, consumer or service recipient is the main basis of TQM.
  • In addition to the use of new technologies, modern communication and information technology is used in the quality management and marketing process.
  • Production process and method will be changed.

Elements of Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • System Approach
  • Accurate Measurement
  • Customer Focus
  • Employee Participation Commitment of Management

Tools and Techniques for Total Quality Management (TQM)

Project Managers rely on several tools and techniques for total quality management. They are
Tools and Techniques of TQM
  1. Right First Time: Employees ensure quality while they work. They do the right things first time. They aim for zero defect.
  2. Benchmarking: It is the process of learning from best practices of other projects that produce superior performance. They do exceptionally high quality things.
  3. Outsourcing: It is subcontracting services and operations to outside firms who can do them cheaper and better.
  4. ISO 9000: They are set of quality standards created by International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Organizations obtain certification form ISO for product testing, employee training, record keeping, supplier relations and repair policies and procedures.
  5. Statistical Quality Control: It includes a set of specific statistical tools that can be used to monitor quality. It is based on sampling.
  6. Just-in-Time Inventory Management (JIT): Inventories are received just-in-time to be used up by production. They are not stored.
  7. Speed: Speed is the time needed to get the activities accomplished. TQM increases speed. Speed becomes a part of project culture.
  8. Training: Employees are provided continuous training in quality matters. Quality circles also serve as training grounds for TQM.

Deming's Quality Management

Edward Deming is an American scholar of quality management. He is considered the father of quality campaigns in Japan. Deming's contribution to Japan's industrial development in the 1950s is unforgettable. Deming has developed various principles of quality management which are also considered as quality management methods. The principles of quality management developed by him are as follows: 
  • Continuity of objectives for improvement
  • Adoption of new philosophy
  • Statistical evidence
  • Recognition of quality
  • System reform
  • Functional training
  • Institutional leadership
  • Elimination of fears
  • Elimination of slogans and goals
  • Elimination of numerical quotas
  • Elimination of obstacles
  • Teaching and training
  • Management structure etc.

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1 comment:

  1. The doc has more details on TQM, I appreciate too much, and it gives me the sense of Quality management even tools and techniques. thank you
