
Secondary data collection methods

Any data that have been collected earlier for some purpose are secondary data for the individuals who are using them. The data is a primary for those persons or institutions that collect them but the same data become secondary for another. Actually secondary data are the data, which are borrowed from others who have collected them for some other purpose. The secondary data are also called as second hand data since it is already collected by someone. The degree of accuracy of this type of data is comparatively less than that of the primary data. In order to collect secondary data, the following sources may be used.

1. Published Sources
  • Reports and publications of ministries, departments of the government.
  • Reports and publications of reputed INGO's such as UNDP, ADB, UNESCO, WHO, World Banks etc.
  • Reports and publications of reliable NGO's, journals, periodicals etc.
2. Unpublished Sources
  • Records maintained by government offices.
  • Records maintained by research institutions, research scholars etc.
  • Records updated by the departments, institutions for their internal purpose.

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