
Project Manager as Project Leader

The project manager as project leader should balance task-orientation and people-orientation. He should take a situational approach to leadership.
  • In a situation of tight schedule constraint in the project, autocratic style may be desirable to meet deadlines. Crisis situations also need this style.
  • In a  situation of decentralized  authority to professionals in the project, democratic style may be desirable to create a climate of cooperation and trust.

The role of a project manager also influences style. The various roles can be:
  1. Leadership Role: To direct and influence the project team.
  2. Balancing Role: To balance the needs of parent organization, stakeholders, customers, project and project team.
  3. Informational Role: To gather and disseminate information about the project and communicate it to stakeholders.
  4. Decisional Role: To make decisions about day-to-day project activities such as resource allocation, negotiation, disturbance handling etc.
Skills Requirements of Project Manager
The following skills are required for an effective project management to lead the project:
  1. Technical Skills: Ability to perform a specialized task or function. Expertise, however, is not needed.
  2. Management Skills: Ability to practice management concepts, tools and techniques. Ability to delegate to others.
  3. Human Relations Skills: Ability to get along with people and get the jobs done through people. Understanding relationships.
  4. Conceptual Skills: Ability to integrate diverse people into an effective team. Develop skills of others to lead in their own ares.
  5. Risk Management Skills: The project environment is full of surprises. The risk management skills are essential.

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