
Preparation of Research Proposal

After identifying and defining the problem researcher must arrange his ideas in order and write them in the form of plan. This  written plan is known as research proposal. Thus, research proposal is the plan for the research investigation. The plan of the researcher must supported by some logical evidence. These logical evidences are included in the proposal.

A researcher proposal has generally following for parts:
  1. The title
  2. The introduction
  3. The research methodology and
  4. The bibliography (the references). 
While preparing research proposals, the following things to be included in it.
  • The title of the proposals should be given.
  • The title should be such which reflects the contents of the research study.
  • As far as possible the title should be short. 
Background information
  • The background of the problem which the researcher aim to study should be given.
  • Description of the topic is to be included.
  • Background information on the organization to be included.
  • The information how the researcher developed interest in it.
  • Relevance of the proposed study.
 Statement of the problem
  • Statement of the general problem which is being investigated or tested should be given.
  • Statement of research problem.
 Theoretical framework
  • A brief survey of the related literature is to be included.
  • The variables considered on the study and the relationship between the variables are identified.
Statement of hypothesis/ objectives
  • The hypothesis is the main thing of the research process. So, statement of the research hypothesis must be included in it.
  • In case of exploratory or descriptive studies, the specific objectives of the research or study should be given.
Definition of terms
  • The technical terms which are used in the study be well explained.
Research methodology
  • The research design which is to be used  for studying is to be mentioned.
  • The nature of population, sample size and sampling methods are to be presented.
  • Sources of data and methods of data collection be well explained.
  • The data collection strategy  to be used  is to be mentioned.
  • The statistical tools which is to be used  in analysis of data are to be mentioned.
Limitation of the study
  • Limitation of the study if it has, should be included.
Bibliography/ References
  • Reference sources which are helpful for preparing research proposal should be presented alphabetically.

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