
Socio-economic impact of Visit Nepal 98

The various research designs are developed for studying the different problems. Research design is selected on the basis of the research problem and purpose. For studying the socio-economic impact of visit Nepal 98, I would use the descriptive research design.

Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or of a group. In descriptive research, studies are concerned with specific predictions, with narration of facts and characteristics concerning individual, group or situation. Descriptive research is a process of accounting facts.

For the given research project, I am interested to know about the impact of "Visit Nepal 98" in sociological and economic condition of a society. "Visit Nepal 98" may have a positive/negative socio-economic impact. For the given research the study is related with two factors i.e. sociological and economic factors. For this purpose opinion of the different people are necessary to collect. Here specific working hypothesis is not necessary to formulate. By collecting detailed  factual information about the project we make comparisons and evaluations in descriptive research design.

The general steps of the given research are:
  1. Formulating the objectives of the study: The objective of the given research is to find the socio-economic impact of visit Nepal 98.
  2. Designing the methods of data collection: There are various methods of data collection. For the given project, it is better to collect data by using the personal interview method or through the schedules.
  3. Selecting the sample: The sample for the studying purpose is carefully selected. Visit Nepal 98 is a programme directly related with the tourism area. So sample are also selected from the tourism area.
  4. Collect the data: Necessary adequate data are collected from the required area.
  5. Processing and analyzing the data: Collected data are processed and analyzed through the various tools.
  6. Report the result: On the basis of the analyzed data report the result of the concerned research.

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