
Team Building Factors

  1. Clear Direction: Every member of the team should know why he is in the team. The project objective and outcomes should be clear. There should be no confusion about any aspect of the project. There should be congruence in the objectives of the project and the team members.
  2. Project Culture: Culture refers to shared norms and values that guide behavior. The project manager should set team norms and behaviors to build project team. He should create conducive conditions in the project for effective teamwork. There should be no room for suspicion.
  3. Relationships: The authority-responsibility relationships of team members should be clearly stated. The reporting relationships should also be clarified.
  4. Targets: Individual and group targets should be set to improve performance. The workload distribution should not be uneven. Task assignments should be specific and clear.
  5. Control: The team performance should be controlled. Actual performance should be compared with the targets to find out deviations. Corrective actions should be taken for deviations. Good performance should be rewarded. Feedback should be made available to the team.
  6. Development: Personal growth and development of team members should be encouraged. Coaching should be provided in new skills. Training and development opportunities should be made available to the team.
  7. Communication: Open sharing of information, opinions and feelings should be encouraged among team members. Information flow should be in all directions - vertical, horizontal, diagonal.
  8. Leadership: The project manager should guide and influence team members to create team spirit to achieve project targets willingly and enthusiastically. He should build trust and respect in the team. Team identity should be created through participation, commitment, and loyalty. The creative  skills of the team should be utilized. There should be stability in project leadership for team building.
  9. Conflict Management: Behavioral interactions result in conflicts. They arise out of mutual incompatibility in goals, roles, values, attitudes and interests. Project conflicts should be effectively managed for team building.
  10. Team Stability: The project manager should strive for a relatively stable hand picked team till the life of the project. Stability facilitates team building. Team members should be properly selected.

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