
Project Manger and Line Manager Interface

Project manager and line manager interface refers to working relationship between project manager and line manager to get project activities accomplished within constraint of limited time, allocated cost and specified quality performance.

Project manager is fully responsible to achieve the project objectives within the parameters (constraints) of time, cost and quality standard.

Project manager needs all types of human and non-human resources like money, man-power, materials, equipment, information and technology etc. for the successful completion of a project through smooth operation of project activities. But project manager does not control the resources directly accepted the project budget. The resources are collected by line managers, they are often called as resource manager. They assign directly to resources to projects. Project mangers control only those resources which are temporarily loaned by line managers. S/he reminds the line managers that there are also time and cost constraints of the project. This is the starting point for better resource control. Therefore project manager must negotiate with all line mangers for pooling require resources on time.

Project manager always requires to interface with the line mangers for the following major purposes.
  • To get needed resources from functional department on time.
  • To get good support of line managers while negotiating with various parties in connection with project work.
  • To achieve harmonization between project works and line department's work.
  • To get technical and managerial assistance.
  • To solve the project related problems.
The effective project management and project success is highly dependent on working relationship between project manager and line manger. So there must be better coordination, reporting, communication and negotiation between them for good working relationship. Moreover to promote good working relationship, project manager should help a proper understanding of;
  • Quantitative tools and techniques for planning, scheduling and controlling work.
  • Organization structure, own job description.
  • Open communication with line managers including effective coordination.
  • Organizational behavior to tackle the problems of dual reporting system.

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