
Applied Research

A research which is carrying out to find a solution for immediate problem facing a society or an industrial, business governmental organization is known as applied research. The main purpose of applied research is to discover a solution for some pressing practical problems. Applied research helps in making decision about a problem of concern and on formulating policies. So it is also referred as decisional or action research.

Research aimed at certain conclusions facing a concrete social or business problem is an example of applied research. Marketing research or evolution researches are a good example of applied research. Applied research discovers the what, how and why questions but problems of actual life. Flexibility and applicability to a wide variety of problems are important characteristics of applied research. Applied research emphasis more in results, innovations and less interested in experimental controls.

Applied research has wide application but it has a limitation too. Some of the main limitations are:
  • Conclusions drawn from the applied research cannot be generalized to universal study.
  • In some cases it gives wrong conclusion or results.
  • For the same or similar type of problems, the same process cannot be adopted.

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